Wednesday, November 4, 1998

I blew it today with the starving. I had a TV dinner and some popcorn. Hopefully, I’ll be able to survive the rest of the night on tea and water.

I was surprised to wake up at 115 pounds, though. I thought I’d wake up at 117-118 since yesterday I had two hot dogs, a TV dinner, popcorn, and soup. The popcorn and soup alone were 900 calories, 300 for the TV dinner, and about 550 for the hot dogs, and that excludes what I had for drinks.

I printed out pictures of Cocoa, Ziggy, Tanner, Patch, Ratsy, and Measles for Mom, Mary and Dave to see. Evie and company got to see them already.

Tom took Ma to an EEG appointment today and tomorrow he’s gonna take her again for another appointment, cuz Mary’s still out of it. The poor girl went through a lot of pain having her gallbladder out, and now she’s in a lot of pain with the thyroid. They said that when they took out her thyroid, it was loaded with tumors. They may or may not have been malignant, but they didn’t want to leave it in even if they knew that they weren’t cancerous, cuz they could become cancerous in time. Tom will be able to get her to her appointment tomorrow with no problem since he’s off till Sunday evening. Then he’ll be off again on the 15th-18th.

This year there’ll be no Thanksgiving or Christmas get-together since Evie and Mary are having too many problems right now and since Carol and Steven are in California, Nora and Ray are too stupid, and there’s no way we want to entertain a houseful of people. It also looks like we’ll be skipping the Christmas present routine too, but we might make a shirt for mom or maybe a pillowcase with a picture of mom and dad on it. And we’ll reattempt the shirts for Tammy and the girls. I’ll be sending Christmas cards to Mom, Mary and Dave, Evie and David, and Andy.

Another routine change next door today. At 4:00 I heard Bill’s car leave, then at 5:30, what appeared to be a light gray or blue car pulled up. Out came the little clown that’s always lived there, and then out came a girl of about 8-10 years of age too. Who are all these kids? Are these supposed to be the nieces and nephews I was supposed to have told that they can’t play here? Anyway, the car left shortly after, but I couldn’t tell if the girl left in it. This looked like the same car that was picking her up in the mornings, so maybe Bill went to where she was, dropped the clown off with her, then maybe the blue car came to bring her and the clown home, then the girl freeloader visited for a few minutes, then left. Who knows for sure, but I have a theory. I think that whenever her cronies are doing jail time, she takes in their kids till they’re released.

Ratsy got up to see me a little while ago and he’ll be getting up again soon. I really love this rat. He’s a combination of the mice and the pig. The pig only likes to cuddle and the mice only like to explore, although Ziggy does like to sit with me, but Ratsy likes to do both.

I got up at 3 PM today and shortly after, Tom came home. He said he thought the doll would get here today for sure, but it didn’t. I think it was misdelivered, but he thinks this mailman’s lazier than most and just hasn’t gotten around to sorting and delivering his parcel post packages yet. Well, Tom’s gonna call them if there’s been no withdrawal from our account by the end of next week. Last he checked, they hadn’t even taken a payment yet. I either get them or I don’t, and if I don’t, I’ll just use that $200 to get dolls in the store I got Anne at. Or was her name spelled Anne? Whatever.

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