Friday, November 6, 1998

Bill’s car is still out there. At ten to eight this morning I glanced out right before I hit the sack and saw the car where it’s at right now, saw it again when I glanced out at 4 PM, and ever since 7 PM it’s been there. From the looks of it, it hasn’t moved since yesterday morning.

I gave my dog/cat mugs a vinegar treatment to get rid of the coffee/tea stains. It really works.

I’m not one to usually watch movies over and over again, but earlier I saw Stephen King’s The Dead Zone for what must be the 15th time.

I told Tom that I was thinking of hitting three birds with one stone and sending Dureen, Art and Larry journal excerpts on them when we move, along with the bitch’s, but Tom’s advice was not to and as I do eight out of ten times, I’m gonna take his advice. As Tom said, I’m gonna give next door the stuff in place of beating the crap out of them, but as for the other assholes, they haven’t been doing anything to me. No calls, no trying to get my attention, no trying to piss me off, etc. He said it’d be different if I wanted to send them a holiday card or letter. Hell no. I wouldn’t degrade myself like that. Anyway, they’re not worth the excerpts and they probably wouldn’t have read anything I sent anyway, and even if they did, it wouldn’t change a thing. I still want nothing to do with them. Not now. Not ever.

If I was shocked to wake up at 115 pounds yesterday, I was even more shocked to wake up at 114 pounds today. That’s because of all I ate yesterday. I had a TV dinner, a couple of bags of popcorn, and a burger and fries.

Tom took off some of his old stuff from my computer and did a backup on CDs. I got rid of some old stuff, too.

He showed me how to make subdirectories so I can have different screensaver groups. You know, like Norah in one, Gloria in another, etc., but I was too stupid to remember how to do it on my own and in the midst of things, I lost one of my favorite pictures.

And now I can’t print out the fucking grocery list, either. I went to print, then aborted it cuz I hadn’t run it through the spell checker yet, but it wouldn’t let me move on. I tried to purge the print job, but it was determined to save it after telling me I could delete it. Who knows when Tom will be up to help me, though?


Well, Tom couldn’t get to trimming the front hedges, since going to the bank and all that took longer than expected, but on the bright side, there’s $6,000 in our account. We’re gonna pay off our bills, then have fun with the rest. That fun may include getting the big $200-$400 doll that I didn’t think I’d get till we moved, along with some clothes, since I’m definitely, definitely gonna stay at 115 pounds. I’ve been at 115 since the beginning of August, so this is where I’ve leveled out at and where my body feels it needs to be in this day and age. I could still get down to 100 if I starved, but I’d have to starve many days in a row, and as soon as I began eating again, I’d go right back to 115, so it’s not worth it. Here’s where I’ll stay. It’s better than 124. guess I don’t need to walk in order to have a little bit of metabolism function these days either, cuz again I woke up at 115 after having a TV dinner, popcorn, soup, and cheese puffs.

Tom went to bed at 7 PM and I’m to get him up at 3 AM for the sex he says I owe him. Why? So he can get hard and suffer till he’s alone and can empty himself out? God, how can he stand it?! On the other hand, I’m beginning my period, so he may feel comfortable enough to get off, but comfortable is the keyword. As long as that’s what he is; happy and comfortable.

Speaking of money, Mary won $2,500 gambling. Of course she did. She doesn’t need the money. See, it’s not that God helps those who help themselves, it’s that God gives to those who don’t need, and he takes from those who do need. Same with the wants.

If there’s ever a time I wish that Tom was an only child, it’s now. If we were getting that entire $31,000 check, we could move now! Tom said that if he had been an only child, he’d have a whole different personality and I might not even have liked him since things are all intertwined. Maybe.

So, what’s Mary gonna do with this money she won? She’s gonna get a new hard drive that Tom has to be the one to install. I knew people would want this and want that as soon as that house sold, but I’ve already accepted the fact that sometimes, others are gonna have to come first. Since I’ve come to accept and be used to and even prefer taking care of myself sexually, it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to, but when too many things come up and they need this and they need that and our shit doesn’t get done cuz of them, I get pissed. I just wish he’d finish more things he starts. He almost never finishes a project he starts and if he does, he puts it off for quite a while before finishing it. Nonetheless, Tom says he is gonna tackle trimming the back and front hedges, and he’s gonna take care of weeds and the tree out front. These things, fortunately, are gonna slow down in growth for a while. They don’t grow as much in cooler weather.

I’m glad we’ll be keeping our land, when we move, in its natural state. Tom’s great with handling money and bills, and with fixing things that need fixing ASAP, but he’s lousy with keeping up with yard work.

I still haven’t gotten my doll and I hope he’s right when he says it’s not misdelivered, cuz with this mailman you never know what to expect. It’s hit or miss with him, although since I bitched he hasn’t given us tons of other people’s mail and hopefully, not too much of our mail has gone to other people. It took 5 complaints, though. If Becky addressed the letter she said she sent me correctly, then someone else got that one for sure.

Tom says Evie’s not stable and never really was to begin with and that she’s been complaining of more problems since having her gallbladder removed and wonders if she’s heading for a breakdown. We’ll see.

The cock came to bring the bitch back yesterday afternoon and to pick it up this morning. Bill’s car sat where it’s been sitting till 5:30 today, then it was towed away. I heard its engine start, but then it sounded funny, so he’s obviously been having trouble with the car. That explains why the cock’s showed up more, too. Probably to help Bill with rides and look like a good guy. At first I wondered if Bill had moved in while Tom suggested that maybe they fumigated his place. I decided that if he moved in, though, I wouldn’t report it, since Bill’s never been any trouble. I wouldn’t have reported that cock being here either, had it kept its music out of our house.

Tom straightened out the printer problem I had yesterday and helped me build some subdirectories of pictures. I’ve got 11 different groups. That’s how many color schemes I’ve got. So each week, I’ll rotate colors and pictures. My wallpaper will stay the same, though, with all the pictures. I forgot about making directories for regular screensavers, but I don’t know how I’d go about doing that.


What the fuck’s got one of the guard dogs stirred up at 11:15 at night? Well, it is the weekend, so perhaps the freeloader’s got company? I didn’t hear any car doors, though, and I don’t feel like looking. The dryer’s going now, so it drowns it out, but I guess it only went off for a minute. When those fucking dogs go off at this time of year, since sounds are louder when it’s cooler cuz cooler air’s thicker, it can be heard loud and clear in every single fucking room of this house.

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard the old man’s dog across the street in ages.

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