Sunday, November 8, 1998

There was no Saturday freeloader shit that I know of. At 10:30, just a few hours ago, I saw headlights shining into the carport over there when I went into the music room. I turned on the music room light to see if they’d see it and honk, but they didn’t. I didn’t hear any music, either. Just voices talking with no regard for anybody who might be asleep. Actually, they were a little softer this time around. I’ve heard them be much louder before. The car sat there for a couple of minutes, then left.

I can’t believe how long she and Mike have been together! They’re so different. Although Mike may be a selfish, wimp of a phony liar, he’s friendly on the surface. He politely shook my hand when he introduced himself to me and is basically uppity and nice. So what’s an aggressive bitch like her doing with him? Guess she wanted someone she felt she could control and manipulate. Just like domineering Doe wanting Art, who was always willing to be her puppet.

We had our cumless sex yesterday and yesterday’s excuse was one of his favorites - racy heart. Well, if he hadn’t gotten off in the bathroom prior to us getting together, and I just know he did, he wouldn’t have had such hard a time, but whatever turns him on.

I asked him why sex was so hard for him, why he panted so hard, and why his heart raced. He said that’s part of good sex. Gee, was it so good he couldn’t get off? Does he realize that nothing he says about sex makes a damn bit of sense? Not this, anyway. He’s still lying about the cumming regularly, too, but I know he’s only cum once since last April. I can feel when he gets off. Just about any woman can tell when a guy cums.

I would like to have a special doll display shelf someday. Obviously, if I have a 30-something-inch doll, she wouldn’t go on this shelf, but I envision two shelves that are about 5’-6’ wide. The top shelf will be about 18” high for dolls that are 12”-17”. The bottom shelf will be about 25” high for bigger dolls like Summer Dream, who’s 20”. However, due to her trailing bride’s dress, she’d take up space for 3 dolls, so she may not be good for this unless I don’t have enough dolls that need the space she’d take up. I would also like the back wall of these shelves to be mirrored. Then you could somewhat see the backs of the dolls.


I keep running in to look at Summer Dream, she’s so elegant and feminine, and that’s the sexiest wedding dress I ever did see! I figured I’d like her and Anne equally, but I don’t know. Anne may have nice long hair, but Summer Dream’s drop-dead gorgeous dress makes Anne’s and Jessica’s dresses seem like old, ugly, tattered rags.


Tom’s up now. He’s still not feeling well, but he’s hanging in there.

He said the doll was sitting out front when he got home.

I asked him why they’d break the molds for this doll in a couple of years and he said it’s to give it more of a collector’s value.

I made Summer Dream a gorgeous bracelet whose color totally goes with the pink and blue of her sash and flowers. I used a pearly melon color. Very tiny beads.

He reports no noise from the freeloader, and that he saw the cock’s car on the street this morning.


I just sent Andy a message answering a question of his. I sent him the message, rather than calling him directly. He said he’d be going to bed at 10:00, but with my luck, if I had called directly, he’d have answered, unable to sleep yet, then I’d be stuck on the phone with him for 45-90 minutes.

He wanted to know since he admits that pot really kills the brain cells, what kind of answering machine/service he had back east, saying he knew he had something. I corrected him when I left that message and let him know that when we were back there, there was no voice messaging service, I had a regular answering machine, but he didn’t. He had nothing. I’m not sure if they updated their system back east and got voice messaging yet. I think they did, though, 2-3 years ago.

Andy also says he liked the creative mail I sent him. I sent him the same sentence in different fonts. He said that as soon as he gets envelopes, he’ll check the ones he likes and send them back to me.

So, Andy wasn’t a pest for me, but Eldon was a pest for Tom this morning. I wondered if he wanted a computer job now that the house is sold, but when Tom was online, Eldon sent him instant messages asking how to delete a file. Tom told him over and over again how to do it, but I guess either Eldon was too stupid to do it, or it just wouldn’t work.

It rained earlier, but Tom said not to worry before he left for work, since he taped the wires to that outlet with electrical tape and cut the power in the back room. He only turns the power on back there when he goes to use his computer. Yeah, it figures it’d wait till Sunday evening to rain. It almost never hits the weekends.

For a minute there, I wondered if Tom was pulling my leg about having a cold (I can’t always trust his word since he lies about cumming) so he could get out of doing yard work and so he could use that as an excuse to lay around in front of the TV all day since he didn’t sound sick, but he says he’s not that bad and that sleeping most of the day helped him. He says if he feels bad at work, he’ll come home, but that it was probably due to lack of sleep. So God’s looking out for him too, by not letting him be a father.

We wondered if Blackie gave him this cold. For a few days Blackie was sneezing like hell and we wondered if he had allergies or a cold.

Speaking of cats, Tom’s gonna be thrilled to know that White Paws is back. I was right too, about why she took off for a while. She did have babies. She’s much bigger now than she was when she left. She’d come up to the door, but not in the house, so I stuck a bowl of dry food out on the patio for her, which she dove into right as I left it and went back in the house. I’m surprised she didn’t eat the whole bowl.

The dogs shut up earlier in the evening tonight. Like right at sundown. Well, last night was Saturday night after all. When more people are around like they are on weekends, that stirs them up more. They went off on the freeloaders when they got in at 10:30 last night. I say “they” meaning the 2-3 kids that live with that bitch.

Along with doing the roof, we’re gonna tear up the carpet in the back room. Underneath the carpet back there is a tiled floor. Unless the tile’s really bad, we’re not gonna recarpet that room.

I began spotting on the 4th and it’s coming up on the 9th now, so I should be getting my full flow by the 10th.

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