Sunday, August 8, 1993

I gave my 30-day notice to move last week. I am really looking forward to it, and each time I hang out with Tom the surer I am that things will work out. I’m so fucking sick of apartments, and the people next door are so unpredictable. Sometimes they’re quiet and other times they won’t shut up. If it isn’t their music, it’s their company going in and out and bopping all around. They’re cool about it when I bitch at them, but I get sick of constantly having to remind them to shut up. It’ll be great not to have to deal with the parking lot noise and there won’t be as much noise from kids. The people next door to the house have kids and dogs, but you don’t hear the kids as much as at the apartments

When I was in the office the other day, Dan mentioned seeing my picture in The Beat. Keri did show him, I guess. I gave her the number over here, but who knows if we’ll ever get together? We’ll see.

K.D. Lang gave me Joanne’s number and she gave her mine. She called me once and she sounded ok, but who knows when and if we’ll get together either? It’ll be a matter of timing, cuz she’s a day person. She was once married and has an 11-year-old son. She says she’s gay and totally feminine.

At work, there was this half-and-half that liked me and I gave her my number. I sort of hope she does not call, cuz she seemed weird. Why I gave her my number beats me, so depending on how the conversation goes if she calls, I may play with her head.

Work’s still ok and now I’m really glad the Candy Store and Favors didn’t work out. There are two girls there that I knew before from other clubs. Also, Jade’s there who I knew from the Mile High. She left for the same reasons I did. All the girls there seem really cool so far.

I still haven’t dropped the bomb on my parents yet about Tom and I and about my moving in here. However, the new address and phone number are on their anniversary card. I began a letter to them which I’ll finish soon. Tammy and Andy know what’s going on.

Andy thinks it’s wrong and that I’m copping out as far as women go. There’s nothing to cop out of. If I could get women, I’d be with them. I just told Andy to bear in mind that if I met a woman and we were both turned on by each other, I’d go for it. Tom’s no substitute or an all-out settlement either, otherwise I’d continue to be alone. Whatever happens tomorrow, happens. Right now (today) I’m happy and that’s all that really matters.

Tom didn’t hesitate to tell me on his own that he too, believes I’ll always be gay and for me to not pass up other opportunities. I wouldn’t. He said that even though I think it’s impossible to get the so-called ultimate, he’d rather let me go and be hurt so I’d be happy. That’s sweet of him and it takes a hell of a person to say that, but right now I’m happy here with him.

Ok, I just had half a cigarette. How the hell am I ever gonna get off these damn things? My lungs are shitty according to the x-rays at the doctor’s. Tom said he’ll check to see what’s currently available for quitting smoking. The things I’ve tried didn’t get me very far.

I’ve sent several letters that I’ve done on the computer. I’ve been having a field day with this thing.

I spoke to Dad a few days ago and he and Ma were in an ok mood. Ma yelled from another room to say hi to me. I asked if he got the Beat picture and he said yes and that it was different.

Maybe Tammy mentioned Tom to them, cuz I said my expenses were about to be cut from $1,000 a month to $300 and got no questions asked. I said there were to be major changes coming up, but that I’ll explain in a letter.

Not much else is going on. Andy and I still have to get together when the timing’s right.

I still have to go to Montgomery/Ward.

Within two weeks, the pool table will be out of here (it’s his brother’s), so I can start moving things in. I’m ready when he is.

I still want to see a dentist and I need my hair trimmed.

We’re gonna get a portable dishwasher, cuz it’ll be some time before the kitchen’s remodeled. Both of us want different things now that we’ll have extra money.

I sent Tam a birthday card with a $30 check.

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