Wednesday, June 28, 1995

Tom’s 38 today and has found all his notes and his card. He’ll be home anywhere between noon - 5 PM today.

Unfortunately, he has an ear infection. I’ve been treating it with alcohol and peroxide, so hopefully that’ll cure it.

He’s been dismissed from jury duty, too.

I saw Gloria on Oprah. She sang well but does look awful chunky. Her baby’s cute, though, whereas most babies are ugly. Nayib’s taller than her now.

Andy finally got his 70s CD. I have some uncool news concerning him, but I’ll get to it after I check out a movie I taped.

Also, a cool talk I had with Lisa. Tammy asked why I didn’t tell her today was Tom’s birthday. I could’ve sworn I did in a letter.


Well, I’ve got two signs telling me I may be ovulating. I have quick, faint cramps and my temperature’s up. Well, it doesn’t do me much good anyway, with a guy who will never cum, does it? He can say he wants a kid a million times a day, but what do I say? He never really wanted it that bad. When and if he does - he’ll cum. You only ovulate for 1-3 days, so by the time we do get around to having sex, it’ll be too late. Plus, I still don’t know if it’ll be that easy for me to screw when I know that all that’s going through his mind is, don’t cum. Just take care of her. He’s even said how he’s easy, so why doesn’t he just have me stroke him by hand and go down on me?

I told him last night that I can see myself dancing from November - February. It seems logical. He said he disagrees and that there’ll be things going on here. Yeah, right. We both know nothing more will be going on here than what already does. Believe me, though. I’m busy enough with all my hobbies.

Yesterday I finished typing up the last journal! It took me a little over a year from 4/13/1994 - 6/27/1995. It would have been just under a year if I had not typed up my story journals and 69 with my people write-ups which I hadn’t planned to do originally.

My second word-seek magazine came yesterday.


Here’s my not-so-cool news concerning Andy. About a couple of weeks ago, he waited on a couple of young girls at work. One or both of them had a stepmother who they say’s a real bitch and was milking their dad’s money who had just died. The girls are from Florida and the stepmother lives in Sun City. Andy offered to call and say weird stuff to the stepmother and the girls were like, “Oh, could you?!” So on the night of June 7th, I believe it was, Andy called me and said he just called there once. Then he called twice more and we both said weird stuff. Nothing threatening or sexual, cuz we haven’t done that shit since around 1988. He did most of the talking and I might have read a few lines from journals. I know I said something like - The green leprechaun jumped off of my box of Lucky Charms and started singing to me.

So anyway, Andy called me saying he got a message to call a detective in Sun City and he called with me on the line listening. Andy did fine, except for being too slow in answering questions, not insisting it was a friend of Diana’s, and asking if his voice was heard on a tape of the conversation that the detective claims he has which is bullshit. I know it couldn’t have been taped cuz of the way he was reading our quotes from a report form and also cuz half of it was bullshit. We never said we’d burn the place down, or knew what the woman was wearing that day, and a few other things. The woman in Sun City must’ve thrown in a few lies and exaggerations.

When Andy asked if his voice was the one he heard, the pig said he’d have to run it through all this high-tech equipment I know they don’t have and wouldn’t use in a case like this even if he did have it. Also, if he did have a tape, he’d be able to say he recognized Andy’s voice. The pig also said the name of the stepdaughter is Claudia who he thinks is the main culprit in all this and that started the whole thing.

So, the stepmother suspects the stepdaughter, huh? And we never ever mentioned a connection cuz Andy swore he wouldn’t. Andy denied knowing anything about it which is good, and I told him I highly doubt it’d go to court, but if it did, I’d go with him. Also, if he was to be going to court, it’d be subpoena first, questions afterward in court. I doubt he’d be spoken to about it first.

Andy mentioned Diana’s name but said he doubted she would do a thing like that and she didn’t. She was just there in the room. The pig acted as if he knew her and Diana do have a record. The pig sounded like he just wanted to clear it up without it turning into a big deal, but I told him that he and Diana should deny it, even if it did come down to court and to keep my name out of it cuz of my record even if it’s just petty prank calls. Also, never trust a pig.

So, he had me call Diana at work and I filled her in on the scoop. She didn’t seem upset and said there’d be no problem. She’d just deny it and keep my name out of it.

When I got up at 5:00 this morning there was a message from Andy which he left at around 9:00 last night for me to call him ASAP. He had already gone to sleep, but I listened to his messages. There was one from Bug saying she was upset with him, I called her and so did a detective, and why did her name have to get dragged into it at all? Who knows why she was upset but I sure hope to hell my name didn’t get into it as she promised. I don’t know if I can trust her, although Andy says I can. I’ll have to see that for myself.

Although the calls were traced to Andy’s phone with *57, I told him this morning on his machine that if the pig calls back to say, “Look. Either charge me or drop it. I won’t say anything to you at all without a court-appointed attorney, so charge me or drop it and I’ll make sure no one gets access to my phone.”

I don’t know what to think about it. I don’t know if my name’s in it or what. Or if he’ll have to go to court. He only made 3 calls 2-3 weeks ago, so I don’t know if they’d charge him. This is Phoenix and not Deerfield, but time will only tell.


Tom got a birthday package from my parents. It looks like it could be a shirt. We’ll see when he gets home which could be at any time from now until 5 PM. I hope he doesn’t come home before I get to talk to Andy. The last thing I want is for him to be in this and to feel let down. I know how he worries, too. Andy usually sleeps from 5 AM-1 PM.

He still likes living where he is but says his neighbor’s music is still too loud. The guy’s a dealer and in a gang, so I hope it works out for him. This world has such a “hear me!” obsession.

A palm tree’s coming up in the corner of the block wall by the pool. Cool.

I’ll still write about Lisa and other shit later.


I talked to Andy and Bug and Bug said she was gonna blow off talking to the pig. I told them both never to talk to him again without a lawyer, but Andy called him back.

He said he asked Andy who the woman was singing on his machine, but he wouldn’t give out my name. Then he said the pig said he taped his voice, Bug’s voice, and my singing, is gonna use it to determine who the two voices belong to, will charge both people, he’ll hear from US West, lose his phone, and go to court.

Who the fuck knows for sure if we can really trust Diana who calmly and confidently swore she’d keep my name out of it. Andy still feels it’s all a scare tactic to try to trick him into confessing, and I sure hope so. If he’s willing to charge this second person, then why wasn’t he charged when I got in trouble for calls we made together on my phone back east? And with that asshole Ron in 1986? I told him that I know praying works for him, so he may try praying he doesn’t have to go to court. This pig can’t have us on tape. There’s no way, cuz then the little fuck would know that we did not make any threats. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, but I hope Andy and Bug keep their mouths shut. I also happen to know it’s illegal to tape someone without their knowing it. I was charged with it.


Tom just got home and opened his package. Along with a card and a pretty happy birthday bag, were two flags. A huge American flag and one of a horse the same size as our Noah’s Arc one. It’s nice that they remembered how he loves horses. They remember a lot of things these days, whereas up to a few years ago, they didn’t remember shit. Either that or they just didn’t care.

I hope Andy doesn’t call anymore today. I really don’t want to discuss any more of this phone, Bug, and pig shit anymore right now.

Yesterday’s chat with Lisa was cool. We mainly talked about music. I had no idea I was in her discussions as much. She said she told her music teacher at school that she had a talented aunt who sings and plays the guitar out in Arizona. Well, that’s nice, but I reminded her how much I’ve been slacking off on my guitar.

She said in an unfortunate tone of voice, “I’m the only one in my family who likes to sing.”

I said, “So? I’m the only one in mine who likes to sing, but that’s OK.”

Then she said she was gonna take the $800 she expected to get from her bat mitzvah at age 13 and come out here by herself. Of course, Tammy had no idea about it.

She also told me about school and some trouble she made. She wishes we were closer so we could sing and she hates it there, too. She feels bad for not writing as much, but will now that school’s out. She said Tom has to write to her and she mentioned something about sending songs she wrote. She’s got 4 journals in which she says she sometimes swears in and calls her sisters little brats.

Anyway, I’m sending her all 19 of my songs cuz she says she can’t find any of them.

A little while ago, when I made Tom a hot dog, I jammed a candle into it which wasn’t the easiest thing to do. He was laughing his ass off.


We went in the pool and the Jacuzzi a little while ago, then Tammy called to wish Tom a happy birthday.

Bill had to go into the hospital again for tests, has chickenpox cuz he’s got no immune system, and Becky was crying like hell. Shockingly and amazingly enough, though, she maintained a sense of humor that she almost never has even when things aren’t going so bad. I’m getting tired so I’ll write about it later or tomorrow.

First though, we still haven’t had sex and I can’t say I’m disappointed about it, either. He did some touching in the pool, but he’s probably waiting till he comes closer to the end of his day when he’ll be more tired to make it easier to keep from cumming. He does that a lot and he probably knows I could be ovulating.

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