Monday, April 29, 1996

Andy’s gonna be calling any second. I just called him to see when he wants me to have his apron ready for him to pick up and he was watching Xena.

It’s hard to believe it only took me 18 days to fill up this book. (just about) If it weren’t for my constantly writing about the issue of Tom’s lying about the kid and how I feel about that and our weird sex life, I’d probably be 20-30 journals behind.


I guess Evie really isn’t into letter-writing as I thought she was, but I forgive her. She’s got a kid. Therefore, she hasn’t exactly got the time to type many letters and with what little time she does have, I’m sure she’d prefer to send letters to her family in Indiana.

Andy called back and it looks like I may be going over there Tuesday night to finish the cat. Or try to anyway.

In 20 minutes, the movie I’m taping will be over. I try to tape as many movies as I can here and there. That way, if I get bored or in a lazy mood, I’ll have stuff to watch if there’s nothing good on at the moment.


I took off my old nail polish and soon I’ll put the nail hardener on, then my gold nail polish. The nail hardener is cloudy, so hopefully it’ll make the gold stand out better which is otherwise too light.

I’m going to start taking measures to decrease the bird population. There are just way too many (30-something) and they really make a hell of a mess on the patio and around the pool area. I’m sick of having to remember to lift up the seat cushions so they don’t shit all over the chairs and I’m sick of trying to hop around all their shit. I’m gonna start feeding them a little less often and I’m gonna give them much less at once than I normally do.

When Tom gets up, we’ll have to fill out an order form for stamps. We’ll need a book of regular stamps, then we’ll order those 1¢ stamps from them, too. Tom alone, as well as with me, checked vending machines to see if we could get the 1¢ ones that way, but there weren’t any, and this way he won’t have to stand in line forever at the PO.


As soon as he gets up I’m gonna strip the beds and get the sheets washing. Then they’ll be dry by the time he leaves. I lazed out of doing it yesterday, but I got all our clothes and towels and stuff like that done.

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