Thursday, May 21, 1998

Just thought I’d update till Andy calls.

We’re almost at this dreaded 3-day weekend. As I told Tom, maybe I can get out of the party I’ll be forcefully invited to and made to be a part of by going to his ma’s house. I still have to vacuum like I told her I would. There’ll be parties there, too, down in Mexico, but it’s different when you know those people aren’t deliberately trying to bother me and piss me off.

These freeloaders are so fucked, though. They don’t give a shit what I think of their music and they don’t give a shit that it bothers me (although there hasn’t been any yet), but they do give a shit what I think of them. They give a shit that they make sure I know that they’re just as good as whites. They give a shit that I acknowledge and notice their existence.

Evie’s back. Yes, she left me a message a few days ago, so now I’m sure I’ll have the long, daily messages all about boring shit I can’t relate to, but I’ll live.


Andy called back but was too tired to talk.

I’m going to have a TV dinner, cuz my legs feel a bit weak. You know, that rubbery kind of feeling. Then I’ll cover what we got yesterday.


OK, if eating doesn’t help, I’ll see if an Ibuprofen will help the achy muscles in my legs.

We went to Tower Records yesterday, but they had a shitty selection. Still, I got a Cars CD, the Judds, Olivia Newton-John, and Juice Newton. There are still others of Olivia and the Judds I’d like to have, and there’s The Dream Academy, Nicolette Larson, and one of Linda’s I hope to find, too.

We also went to OSCO Drugstore where we got a puzzle, mace, a lotto ticket, wax, and a toothbrush since I just dropped the second one down the sink.

We went to the pet store for supplies, too. Guinea pigs must not sell as well out west. They almost never have baby GPs. All I ever see are older ones. We got sawdust, alfalfa, and nibble sticks for everyone, and the mice got a new toy. A colorful little “spaceship” by a brand called Critter Trail. They suck, though, cuz it was really hard to assemble this thing. Their parts are too tight. Anyway, all this thing is, is a little dome-like thing with a ledge they can sleep on. I put some food in it for them. They have houses, wooden burrows, and all kinds of cute things for them to sleep in. The only trouble is, is that the aquarium only has so much space. I also got a bright, colorful ball for Blackie. It’s a soft ball and it’s big enough so it won’t roll under the gate or the old easy chair that’s out there.

This mace I got was bullshit. It’s a combination of tear gas and pepper and it’s useless on cats. Cats move much quicker than humans. Also, it ran out after just a few shots. Well, the new feeding arrangement has worked so far on getting rid of mama bitch, but not White Paws. Unless the bitch is only gone cuz she finally wised up and had her kittens elsewhere. Great. Now I’ll have to deal with all those, too, when they can get into this yard. They can’t be too far away.


I just realized something about the freeloaders. There is a way I can get an idea of what’s to come this weekend. He usually tells me a “change” is coming, so to speak, by playing his music louder than usual. A day or so before there’s gonna be a party or he’s gonna split for a few days, he gets loud. So I’ll report in if there’s anything he tries to tell me. My biggest worry, even bigger than dealing with their shit, is restraining myself. How could I keep from going over there, beating the shit out of them, and ending up in jail for either assault or murder if I got carried away? I just hope God, who knows my temper, will keep them off my ass like they have been, for all of our sakes. Besides, I would think that these sick fucks would want to hang onto a place to live and not have all kinds of city complaints and risk eviction.

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