Wednesday, January 5, 2000

Can you believe that on my first day in the new house I got woke up? Figures, huh? Last night I didn’t get to sleep till nearly 4 AM what with all the excitement of finally being in here. It’s the latest I’d been up since last July or August. So I was still a bit tired when there was a knock on the front door at 10:00. I could hear it over the ocean waves on my sound machine (I decided the fan on a stand was too quiet to mask the sounds of the animals). In a daze, I stumbled to the door and asked who it was. “Sheriff’s office,” came the reply.

Oh, shit! I thought. This has to be about that black bitch in Phoenix, and it’s too late to pretend no one’s home. So I told him to hang on a sec, grabbed my robe, and opened the door to a young white cop in uniform. Friendly enough, though. He asked if I was Robin, and that he came to deliver news that her father was ill. So I told them who we were and that we just moved in. He said he’s never been past Bitter Root before, apologized for the disturbance and left. When I told Tom about it later, he said he thinks that the cop was out to arrest this Robin and that the father being ill was just a cover story. Well, if that was the case, thank God the cop believed me when I told him who I was and didn’t arrest me.

Yesterday at the grocery store, I noticed they had a new round of sitting musical dolls, so I bought a cute one in a pink satin dress with ruffles and flowers. She has blue eyes and brown hair which I’ve got in two ponytails. She has a little bouquet tied to one wrist.

I fixed a clip on one of Dennis’ cabinets. The spring got stuck so the clip got hung up and wouldn’t keep the door closed. I had to unscrew it to fix it, then screw it back on. The trailer’s now virtually empty of our stuff. Just a few cleaning supplies and papers are over there.

It’s amazing that we struggled for months to get into this house, just to suddenly have it all done and ready. We got water and electricity yesterday. The trenches were filled in and the skirting was replaced, too. All that took three fucking months. There’s no excuse for it, and like I said, I’m not about to forget all the hell and all the money that these incompetent fucks cost us. They may be just about finished with us, but I’m not finished with them. They will lose their business licenses and they will get their asses kicked by me, whether we settle in or out of court. Tom said that at this point, the ridiculous amount of time it took us to get in here isn’t nearly as much of a problem for him as all the blatant lies are. As he told Steven, we’re now very aware that they’re all crooks who are a part of the same organization to scam people. That little fuck Dan deliberately said we’d hit water at 550’ when he knew damn well we wouldn’t, just to get the bid so he could try to charge more later when the extra footage needed to be drilled. Well, Dan’s gonna be in for a surprise cuz the loan’s done and finished. Meaning that he’s not getting one penny extra than what we originally agreed on. No one ever permitted him to do what there wasn’t money for, anyway. All he had to do was tell us the truth as far as the water table goes, and we would’ve made sure there was enough money for it in the loan. Like I said, I do intend to take Steven and this little shit down. They won’t be scamming anybody else once I get through with them. I’m telling you, from here on out I’m fighting back when people fuck with us, and I’m doing it my way. I don’t care if you’re a neighbor, a contractor, or God!

Today the fight for the washer and dryer began, although Steven says he is sending the money for it, but I’m like - are we ever gonna be free of these people?! I just want a day in my life without Steven and Dan in it. Can’t we just settle on a reasonable price, avoid the hassles of court, and be done with each other so I can be free to kick their asses with nothing to lose? I can’t wait to go after these cocks! I swear, though, my life has been nothing but periods of problems with different groups of people. First it was the problems with the parents, then the staff members I had to deal with at the hospitals and “schools” I was in, most of whom weren’t any more with it than the patients. Then it was on to shit with neighbors, and now contractors. Am I ever gonna be free from other people controlling and fucking up my life on a regular basis? Am I ever gonna be free from the stress, frustration, and anger they cause? And if so, what’s God’s compensation to me gonna be?

I’m with Tom when he said that from now on, we’ll fix our own stuff around here. We are totally fed up with having to fix this and fix that and do other incompetent cock’s jobs for them cuz they were too stupid and lazy to do it right in the first place.

Poor Tom had to lose more sleep just to go under the house and get all muddy to tighten a loose pipe thanks to Brian or one of his assistants.

Gravity came by this evening to collect a water sample to be tested. Our water’s still a bit sandy.

Although Gravity and Brian have fucked up too (though not nearly as much as Steven and Dan, cuz those too were deliberately out to screw us, whereas Gravity and Brian were just plain stupid) they’ve been the nicest to us and more reliable as far as showing up to do things goes.

Tom said that the kennel was wild last night, but I didn’t hear it. He said tons of dogs were going mad and that it was quite loud outside. It’s nice that I didn’t hear it in here, but hanging outside when it gets warmer, especially at night, may be anything but peaceful.

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