Wednesday, November 7, 2001

Yesterday I woke up at 120 pounds and was surprised to be down barely a pound. I thought I’d be down to 118 today, but instead I was barely down to 119. I don’t know why. I didn’t exceed 1100 calories yesterday and am still shitting out what I eat. I didn’t expect things to slow down until I got down to 115. All I know is that if this low-calorie diet doesn’t work, nothing will. I may have too much muscle to get down as low as 100, but there’s no reason the fat shouldn’t dissolve if I don’t go over 1100 calories and I only splurge weekly.

Where it gets hard is having to have the same old things day after day. So, when I realized that the fat-free, sugar-free puddings were pretty equal to one of the potato packs I’ve been having, I decided that next week I’ll substitute one of the two potato packs for a pudding. So I’ll have two servings of meat, a huge serving of potatoes, and a small box of pudding. That’s under 1000 calories. I have to lose weight on that.

I’ve finished proofreading Teddy Bear’s copy and now I’m listening to it. I realize I could never be happy. Meaning, I could go through the story a million times and still find changes to make. Not necessarily mistakes, but things I feel should be changed around a bit.

I wrote Mary a letter. I know she’s got her own shit to deal with, but I wish she’d write more often. I want any Teddy Bear updates she may have for me, too!

It’s still unseasonably warm, yet cool at night. I open windows when I get up, even if it means making the house smell like horses, then shut them and turn the AC on around 1:00.

Still haven’t heard from them back there yet, but what an eyesore the whole place is. Yes, we need walls up back there. Fortunately, we can’t see the Mexicans next door cuz they have a big tree blocking their little dump. We can see Dan’s house, but not nearly as well as this one in back cuz it’s further away.

There’s this one chick in particular that bothers me. She looks awfully blackish, but she may be connected to the silver pickup and I don’t think the silver pickup lives there. A pack of Mexicans is bad enough, but to sprinkle the scene with a black or two on top of it all would really be the ultimate nightmare!

Anyway, I don’t know what’s taking APS so long to finish their job, but there have been workers working there like crazy. One’s this scruffy-looking white guy with a gold pickup. They haven’t even skirted the house yet, and if they’ve carpeted, I wouldn’t know. Boy, would it be noisy with all those people if they were just a few feet away! But stereos can travel for miles, and although my bad vibe is backed off a bit, I still say we’ll hear from them 1-3 times a week from their house stereo once they get settled in. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they were evicted from wherever it is they came from.

I didn’t get a look at the driver, but the silver pickup just went by with what appeared to be propane tanks for the trailer. I also saw a dark-colored car leave the property, but at the angle it was at, it could’ve emerged from the middle house. The owner of the blue pickup might actually have a job somewhere cuz it’s been absent during normal business hours, save for Monday when they first showed up. Tom’s so sure they’re not Section 8, reminding me that while that sicko Debra was the one renting the house, her boyfriend was illegal and he was the one with the van, not her. So what’s to say we don’t have the same case back there? Either way, there’s gonna be trouble. We’re still looking at lots of noise and trash. And company too, since Mexicans have a zillion family members. They may not come and go every 45 minutes, and they may not have 5 or more carloads of people coming to see them on a daily basis, but there’ll still be too much commotion for comfort. A city-like atmosphere that’ll totally clash with Maricopa. I just don’t know why people like this would want to live way out here. I guess it’s just a matter of God’s desperation to continually sic these sickos on me.

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