Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Tom sent a text message saying he’s picking up a printer today, so I can finally print! I went and got my computer paper out and of course that had to be a 20-minute ordeal. I’m so sick of having to move 20 things just to get to one thing! I totally miss being able to walk up to something and get it, and with more than 2-3 feet of space to do it in. It’s okay, though. I won’t be living like a welfare bum, cramped in this tiny old dump forever. In fact, compensation for our years of struggling has already begun, slowly but surely. Tom won $76 yesterday on a horse bet! And this is from a guy who’s way rusty. We currently have a $56 profit. Back when he was in the Air Force, which provided the same shit fixed income SS & SSI did, he horse-handicapped on the side to survive.

I’m not even going to bother to try to figure out how to set up my voicemail on this phone. See, that’s why I’m not even sure I want to get a dishwasher for the house. Everything’s so complex these days with a million buttons. There’s no such thing anymore as a simple washer with a ‘start’ button and that’s it.

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