Saturday, September 10, 2005

They’re back looking at the house again. They haven’t brought their dog(s) yet, but the lady brought a guy and some other woman to check it out with her and her kids. Probably checking to make sure the fence has no gaps in it that the dog could get through (we gotta start getting next to unfenced yards). Yup, they’re definitely moving in soon, and I’m sure they’ll never do a damn thing in front when they do. It’ll always have to be in back so I’ll have to hear it.

What’s weird is that there’s no back door. The back door is on the side of the house, sort of facing the street.


The new owners next door weren’t here for long. They haven’t officially begun moving in yet. The house is probably in escrow. I’m enjoying every minute I’ve got left without dogs barking just outside this window. Instead, I hear the faint beat of the music the house across the street blares every night.

The pigs were watching us just last week when we were downtown due to how they’ve been ticketing jaywalkers like crazy around here lately. A pig pulled to the side of the road half a block from where we stood waiting for the signal saying it was ok to cross an intersection. Some guy pulled up behind the squad car, got out, apparently asked the pig for directions, then took off. As soon as the pig saw that we waited till it was legal to cross, it took off, too.

Meanwhile, I doubt my blasting music could lead to trouble and I think Tom’s just being his usual paranoid self, but I’m not about to take chances either. I’ll use the headphones at all times when I want the music really loud. After all, I never thought that the message I left on the scum’s machine back east that Tammy was married to would lead me straight into a 3-year nightmare. Ever since then I’ve quit defending others. Remember, I left the message because I was pissed off at Bill’s abuse of Lisa. I knew I’d never get in trouble for that alone, but the point is, too many times I have defended others just to find them the least bit grateful in the end. That chick Tammy Williams that I knew when I lived on Oswego St. in Springfield would bitch about how horribly her alcoholic mother would treat her, yet when I let the drunk have it over the phone one day, Tammy called to tell me she wanted to come destroy me for it. Of all the lies my sister has told me, I know her telling me about Bill’s abuse was 100% true. I saw the aggression for myself. I never saw him actually strike anyone, but I could see that he had it in him to do so. He was very negative, very insensitive, and just a plain old asshole. Yet when little sis went to defend big sis, big sis threatened little sis with legal action. If I’d have had any idea she still loved him enough to defend him as she did, let alone make trouble for me, I never would’ve stuck up for her the way I did in my letters/calls. Never again will I defend anyone that isn’t Tom! It’s like all the women on my side of the family are not only aggressive themselves, but they’re attracted to aggressive men. Art may be considered rather mellow, but still, he’s aggressive compared to Tom. Tom would never beat his kids if he had any, or slap his wife. I only saw Art slap Doe once, but I heard/saw plenty of attacks on Larry and Tammy, and there were a few on me as well till I was able to fight back.

Damn his mother to hell! Oh, how I want to kill her so badly for ceasing to care about her own son!!! I want to smash it, mash it, bash it and trash it!

After today’s walk to the grocery store for a few items we forgot, I saw that the old lady on the other side of us does have a dog. It appears to be very old and timid, but hasn’t been a problem, thanks to the chick that lives between us. Her place blocks any sound that may come from the old lady’s yard. I thought there had to be a dog there. Almost no house is dogless. Dogs and houses simply go hand in hand.

Tom sprayed the exterior of the house, so hopefully it will cut down the spiders and even the midges, too. However, with the colder weather coming on, that should help, too.

I still haven’t worked on my story. I have a little over an hour before I can sweep, so perhaps I’ll at least read what I last wrote so I have it fresh in mind where I left off.

That’s the fourth time I’ve heard next door come and go, and there are always two or more doors. I wish she wouldn’t get so door-slammy, but things could be worse and I’m sure they will be soon enough.

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