Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not at all surprisingly, Jesse hasn’t done the roof. So he’ll wait till Sunday, assuming Monday is when he returns to work.

Yesterday was another miserable day for me with allergies. I mean I was totally miserable! I was practically bedridden, too. Every time I’d move I’d get hit with a sneezing fit. So we got some nasal spray which I’m going to take once a day and hope for the best. Naturally, all the damn congestion that goes with the allergies has my ear even more fucked up.

Jessie sent me an attachment you’re supposed to send to at least two friends within two hours to get your wish granted in 6 months, and one friend to get it granted in a year. I forwarded it to Tom and Satish (I couldn’t think of anyone else), and Tom forwarded it to me. We wished for money, of course! Jessie said she wasn’t sure if she believed in it, but didn’t see how the hell it could hurt to tell her friend she was thinking of her. I don’t know if I believe in it either, but we’ll find out in time.

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