Monday, March 18, 2013

Maybe Kim really did get a touch of at least temporary sanity because nothing that smells of her has come in on Ask account #1.

It had been a while so I said hello to Christiane. She’s so sick of the snow there she said maybe she’ll come to me. I’d love it if she did! I’d have to see it to believe it, though.

Tammy cracked me up the other day when she told me about these Jehovah’s Witnesses who came to her door. She tried to tell them she wasn’t interested. But when they insisted they could help her, she said, “Ok, hang on a second.” Then she returned with her vacuum in hand. LOL

Since I only slept 6-7 hours two nights ago, I slept forever last night and didn’t get up till 10am. It did wonders for my weight. What’s up with that lately anyway? For nearly two weeks I’ve been losing weight without even trying. People my age don’t just up and lose 5 pounds even if they work out.

Something about 1988 came to me and I wonder if it could be the year our future home was built. The homes in the area we’re looking at are mostly 80s houses, and I didn’t know this, but they’re built just like houses. Only instead of being on concrete or wooden pillars, they’re on a steel frame. I thought they didn’t start making them like houses till the 90s, but nope. In fact, the park we like doesn’t allow trailers or even single-wides.

Tom saw an ad for a quadruple-wide at our second favorite park. We’ve never heard of a quadruple-wide, but we don’t need or want 2100 square feet. I prefer the 1000-1600 range with 1200-1400 being the most ideal.

I feel bad for the people next to the house we considered that just sold. What racket they’re in for, especially when they pound on a new roof! This is just the type of thing I fear we’ll have to deal with when we get moved in wherever and that there will always be something going on around us that’s a little too close for comfort. Again, they’re mostly 80s models, and that’s getting pretty old. Most of them will need fixing up.

For dreams, we owned a 2-story house and I rode my bike to a third shift job. I wish! I realized, though, that even if I didn’t have sleep issues, I couldn’t simply go out and just get a job. The economy sucks, I’m older, fatter, white, and with a joke of a job history. By the time I found something I just might be close to retirement age!

Anyway, another week or two and we should know if Tom got the promotion. At that point, if our credit score is where it needs to be, Tom will then see if the park will let him fill out an application before we have a place picked out just to get a sense of what they require. We still may have to pay the rental agency scammers in Oregon their fucking $200 since we still have a year before they’re no longer marring our credit.

We’ve learned that once we have everything required in place, we’re going to have to jump on the house we want right away or else it’ll be gone in a week or two. They suck them up faster than they’re listed whether they’re nice or dumpy.


I’m in the mood to write, but can’t think of anything to say. I guess I could say that I just hope the move doesn’t take too much longer and that we really do pick out a place in April and move into it in May like Tom thinks we will. Yes, good things are worth waiting for, but I sure am tired of waiting. But not all of us just get things in life. Some of us have to take the necessary steps and work toward our goals and dreams.

When I think of all the fun I’m going to have online that this slow, unreliable connection has deprived me of for so long, I smile just at the thought of it. Same with being able to be out and about more often, biking, swimming, etc. Oh, what fun I’ll have setting up and decorating the new place, too!

Tom epoxied the broken part of the Kindle holder after getting a new part for it made of metal and not cheap plastic, and it’s been great not having to hold the heavy thing in these little hands of mine.

Tom went to order his pills on Amazon, Co-Q10, and asked if I wanted anything while he was at it. He threw tons of fun stuff in for himself and decided in the end what he wanted. It feels so good to be able to do that instead of having to prioritize nearly every little thing in life.

So I thought about it and couldn’t really think of anything. Then I remembered that I wanted to try my hand at a henna design on my hands and arms and maybe even my feet, so I got a small kit.

Since Formspring is shutting down, I casually mentioned my profile link in an entry just to see how much freedom from trolls I really do have at this point. On Formspring, you can still ask questions anonymously, but you need to have an account there, unlike with Ask.

Getting really tired now, so I think it’s time to read until I fall asleep.

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