Sunday, September 1, 2013

I’m totally on nights now, which I both like and hate. I hate how it just feels all wrong and makes me feel out of sorts in a sense. I like it because it’s dead quiet.

Tom read up on soundproofing and there’s this site that says that due to most sounds coming through windows, you should install a second window with a vinyl frame, not metal or wood. There’s even a company that comes and does customized windows for you. They say it cuts noise by 90%, but what is 90%? 90% of a soft sound may make it seem non-existent, but what about loud vehicles?

And why such huge windows in a bedroom of all places??? They’re 30”x72.” Tom could stand in them.

For now, I’ll probably only get woken up about once a week and it’s usually only for a few minutes. I still can’t believe how much traffic goes through here! I slept fine today being that it was Sunday, but tomorrow I probably won’t sleep as well. Oh well. You learn to live with it. On the flip side, some things turned out better than expected. I really thought we’d hear more barking and that people would be pestering us at the door regularly. I can’t believe how much they pestered us in Maricopa, in the middle of a 10-acre ranch in Nowhere Land, compared to here!

Been working like crazy on setting up my new Blogger blog, copying in and backdating old entries, etc.

Tom’s been taking advantage of the time off to catch up on sleep and get things done around here. He cleaned and fixed the printer and finally replaced the toilet seat in the second bath. Together we changed the rat’s cage, and then I ended up crashing early after reading with the Kindle in bed. Slept for almost 10 hours.

No one tried to shoot me in my dreams, but the guy who runs a diary site wanted to sell me the site. He said he’d go a grand for just anyone, but $500 for friends, haha. I also went to pee on an old abandoned bus in the woods and was surprised to exit the bus to find a light dusting of snow on the ground. Then I saw some sleeping bears and thought I might cuddle up with them for warmth till I realized how insane that would be. :)

Gonna spend the night doing my usual – sweeping, proofreading, dragging old entries over to Blogger. Less than a month to go of the proofreading, yay! Then I can make time for other things like maybe going back to my language studies and story writing. It’s been a while since I’ve done those things.

First and foremost it’s off to workout and shower now that I’ve got some food in my tummy after nearly 15 hours.

Why did Maliheh open my last message to her and how long will she save it? Was it her “response” to my friending her, then quickly canceling the request? Yeah, I had a childish moment. Thought I’d return the favor of playing head games with her, not that she ever was a friend or that I would believe it if she suddenly said she wanted to be.

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