Thursday, July 3, 2014

I had a dream that Tom and I escaped a madman on a tiny island somewhere. There were only a few hundred people on the island and I guess some guy suddenly got a little trigger-happy. He said that was Game One and that Game Two would be carried out in a few days if anyone was still alive. He hadn’t decided yet if he would kill the survivors or let them go. 

Everyone started screaming and scattered off in different directions. One guy’s wife hurt her foot while running and Tom and I helped him get her onto the guy’s private plane which we all flew out in. 

Safely back at home I checked in on Facebook and saw someone writing how glad they were to know I’d made it back alive and that the violence I had to have witnessed must’ve been a real nightmare and all that. 

Then Tom entered the room to tell me the guy's plans for Game Two had finally been revealed in the news. The guy was going to kill off any survivors before the cops intervened. So if we hadn’t been able to fly away, we’d have been hunted down and killed if no one had managed to contact the police in time, and I guess this was tricky because cell phones didn’t work there and there weren’t many landlines. 

Love these Emoji symbols someone told me about, though they don’t work everywhere. 

Things still aren’t running as smoothly as I’d like. Online work is going too slow (it’s an up-and-down thing), bees are still getting in, spiders are invading the place at night, and I’m PMSing. I’m up a pound and a half and while my logical side says it’s water, it makes me doubt once again whether or not I can get any real weight off. I probably won’t. Sure thought I would for a minute there, though. 

Right now I just wish every place we live in didn’t have to have bug issues. I don’t miss living in a cold climate, but I never had to deal with this shit back east. Never. Yet every single fucking place I’ve had in the West has had problems with spiders, bees, ants, crickets… something. Tonight’s home invader, besides another bee, is a silverfish. Those aren’t as creepy, but they’re still not welcome and we’re still going to bomb the hell out of this place tomorrow morning. 

Not only do I worry we may never find where the bees are coming in and that they may never figure out my female problems, but my memory isn’t sharpening back up as much as I’d like. I have to leave notes for myself and I still forget shit more than I should. I forget where I put things. I forget things I’ve already told people. I forget names, numbers, and other things. I could tell myself it’s just age, but I know damn well that not only is 48 not “old,” but it is connected to the Hashimoto’s. People are ignorant, though, so I don’t mention it to many people. You know how they are – if you can’t keep a schedule it just really means you’re lazy. If you’re fat you’re a pig. If you can’t remember things you just don’t care or you’re not listening and paying attention. I gave up on trying to explain myself to people a long time ago. You can tell someone the facts but you can’t make them get it. Besides, who do we owe any explanations to as adults anyway? 

Tom worked on the car yesterday and said it was harder than he expected and wasn’t sure he did everything correctly or not, although the car ran smoothly when he did a test drive around the block. He’ll take it to work today and see how it does. Meanwhile, we’re both grateful the Ford is so incredibly reliable. It should’ve overheated and even broke down, but nope. We talked about giving it to a junkyard and making more room in the carport for other things, but now we’re not so sure we want to give up such a reliable car. We’d have had to rent something for a few days without it. 

Speaking of cars, I really get sick of hearing next door come and go so much. Sometimes I don’t hear them, and they never wake me up when I’m on nights, but it’s still a bit of an annoying distraction. They pulled the car out of the garage yesterday morning and I wondered just what the hell they were doing in the garage that they wanted it out of the way. I didn’t hear any annoying tools or other sounds coming from over there, so who knows. An hour later they took off somewhere for what was probably their first of several trips in and out. I was getting into bed at that time. When they just jump in and go it’s no big deal. But when they slam doors without going anywhere (loading up stuff?), it gets old. I’m just amazed people in their 80s can have so much energy and be so active. I also don’t get how they can not want to take a day off here and there. If I was a driver I know I’d have days where I wouldn’t feel like going anywhere and where I’d just want to relax at home. 

All in all, I’m surprised at just how much traffic goes by in front. There’s got to be only 25-30 houses around this block yet you won’t go more than 5 minutes in the daytime without seeing someone drive by. 


When am I going to learn that forgiving someone is the dumbest thing I could do? Well, I’m done for good with Alison! I’ve had it with her hiding things from me. I don’t know if I can go so far as to say I’m pissed. I don’t think I even feel hurt. I think if anything I’m not surprised and so I’ve acknowledged and resigned myself to the fact that some people are simply liars by omission. 

Out of curiosity, I thought I’d check Molly’s Twitter rants and found that she, Kim and Aly are all best buds once again. You know, the trolls she would “never again give any more worthless chances to?” So why did she conveniently neglect to tell me about this cozy little threesome? Well, I think the answer’s obvious – because I not only would tell her she’s crazy to even think of associating with them (although it’s her life, her right, and her stupidity as I told her) but because she would probably worry that I was worried she was feeding them information about me that’s none of these sickos’ business. I would too, if we were friends. Now that I’ve dropped her, I don’t give a fuck what she tells them, and I know damn well that if she can give me info about them, she can give them info about me, and why not? Why should she or would she spare them info that she’s willing to give to me? If she can give me Kim’s address (assuming it’s really hers), she can give her mine. 

No wonder Molly hasn’t been whining in her blog about missing Alison, though; because they’ve been friends all along. 

I see she’s already bitching about Kim asking the same damn questions as she always used to. Yeah, that’s because she’s so many people in one. Or at least pretending to be. I don’t think Aly gets the MPD thing, but that’s her problem. 

As for letting her know why I was dumping her, I wasn’t even going to give her that much, but I did send a quick message. If she wastes time with replies I’ll mark them as spam unread. I deleted her on Facebook, and no, I’m not going to run and hide either. I’m not going to mark all my blogs private just because they may want to see how much of their true colors I’m exposing. 

It isn’t her taste in friends that’s driven me away but the lies. And yes, she is basically a liar for not telling me. I could kick myself for believing she dropped the nutjobs forever. She obviously has an addiction to crazy skitzos and spoiled excuse queens and will probably be friends with them on and off all her life. Fine. Again, she has a right to pick and choose her own friends. But I’m not going to buy for a minute that she’s not returning the favor and supplying them with info. A liar by omission is still a liar and the trust is 100% completely and totally gone. Oh, I’m sure she’d have the perfect explanation for why she’s friends with them again and that she’d swear she hasn’t told them a damn thing about me, but you know what? I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care and I don’t want to hear from her again. She can have the crazies! 

Normally I wouldn’t care if you had friends I didn’t care for, but these people are just too damn crazy. Like potentially dangerously crazy. If you’re even remotely connected to them, I don’t want a damn thing to do with you. Especially if you can’t tell me about it and you have no problem divulging information about people you know they would otherwise not want you divulging. 

Peeked in on Mary, too. It’s still shopping away her bad boy’s money. Probably knocked up now, too. 


I asked a handful of other my-diary writers if they too, receive nasty feedback at times (I got a message yesterday telling me I was an evil spawn, blah, blah, blah), wanting to get a sense of whether or not this is common or if I’m being singled out and targeted for some reason. Many have said that yes, they too, get some really mean, rude stuff at times. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. If people can hide in the shadows of anonymity, they’ll spew all kinds of negative shit. 

My NC visitor did return to Blogger the next day, but if it’s Maliheh, she hasn’t picked up my mail. I don’t think it is her and I think she’s ignoring my message. She could’ve just not checked her mail or disabled cookies, but I think she finally got sick of reading my messages, not that I often send them. I just wanted to see if I could get a match on my NC reader. 

I’m at the point where I’m seriously considering deleting my nieces on Facebook. I don’t want anyone on my list who truly doesn’t want to be there. I commented on her profile picture and I got not a word in response.

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