Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Saw my sister’s place on Google Maps and it is absolutely gorgeous! Palm trees galore, green grass everywhere. Love how curvy her street is as opposed to the typical straight street in the West. I’d miss going down the “rollercoaster” here on the bike, but the flatness of Florida would make riding a bit easier. It’s cool that these days we can see places before we actually see them. I’ll recognize it as our rented car goes cruising up her street. Being on the corner helps, too. Love that no one can pull up alongside her place, but I wouldn’t want to live that close to the clubhouse. 

Wish I could know beforehand if living in either Florida or Hawaii would give me allergies I couldn’t tame with a simple OTC remedy as has turned out to be the case with her. Oh well. I’ve got about 12 years before I find out. 

I should find out, however, the dates and details of our vacation in a few weeks. There’s what I want and then there’s what’s best. I want to take the cruise that hits Jamaica and a couple of other countries besides Mexico, but it’s best to just sail to Mexico and back given my sleep issues. As it is, even a shorter cruise means cutting my visit with Tammy really short, but I’m sure she agrees that just seeing each other after what will be nearly 24 years is more important than the length of our visit. 

Anyway, when I went out to mail Andy a couple of the kimono colorings on Monday, sure enough, Bob was right there. He was washing the SUV. I told him we were planning a vacation. Wonder if he’ll put our trash out while we’re gone like he did when we went to Maui. It doesn’t matter either way, though. 

Went out bike riding after 3am when it was pleasantly cool and dry, and there was even a car driving through. That oughta tell you just how active this park is in the daytime. 

My heart got a little racy and was beating a little hard for a while when I was coloring yesterday. I also felt a little warm. But because I’ve gotten to be an “experienced sufferer,” even though I was far from suffering, and “good” at this sort of thing, I didn’t panic or anything. Still, it was annoying and I wonder what it was all about? Did I go pocket-flaring again? Could it have to do with menopause setting in? Something else? 

Yesterday the connection was the most Auburn-like since we've been here, cutting in and out like crazy. 

I had a dream I was walking down a street that was lined by a canal or something like that. Some guy came racing by on either a scooter or skateboard. He started to turn down the wrong road since we were at a fork in the road, and when he quickly turned to go the other way he nearly fell into the water. 

Then I started to jog down the street, tripped over the curb and into the dark murky water. I woke up trying to figure out how to get out of the water as I searched for something to pull myself up with.

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