Friday, September 6, 2019

A new season of Scream just hit Netflix. Damn! Stuff is coming out on both Netflix and Hulu faster than I can watch it, but it’s better than waiting for weeks or months for new stuff I like.

Not at all surprisingly, the fucking garbage or green waste truck woke me up and it took nearly an hour before I could doze back off, so I’m tired today. Sick of this shit. Really sick of it. Haven’t been woken up this much since I lived in apartments. I won’t get into all the shit I have to listen to when I’m awake, like motorcycles tearing in and out.

Turns out they weren’t working on the roof of a garage a few houses down but putting up a carport. I’m sure there will be something else around here soon enough. I’m tired of living with people with money. I don’t want to go back to living with the welfare bums, of course, but those with money are the ones who can afford to do all these annoying projects.

I know part of why I’m having trouble sleeping now is the stress of my blood work and appointments, but I disagree with Tom when he says the reason I’ve been waking up so easily from noise is due to perimenopause. First of all, I’ve been a light sleeper for 30 years now. Secondly, that’s virtually over. Not saying that hasn’t been part of it but I think I’m just a light sleeper who’s too close to a busy street in a time when so many vehicles are loud. Sound also goes through wooden walls better than brick.

One of the things to determine when we can escape this circus is who gets elected as the next president. Really hope to hell my vibes are correct and that it isn’t Trump, not just because of the shit he’s putting women, gays, and plenty of other people through, but because he’s so anti-insurance that it wouldn’t be wise to leave Cali with him in charge. I don’t understand why any human being on earth would want people to be uninsured but he’s obviously very much against insurance.

I’m sorry, you subhuman slimeball, but healthcare should be a human right and not a privilege. Healthcare should be provided at no cost for everyone, rich or poor, through our taxes just like so many other things are. But it’s never going to be that way in this country. I get that. But it would be a little better if a Democrat got elected because then we could probably find a more affordable insurance plan, get out of here, and live off the sale of this house and hopefully apps too, while we decide where we want to ultimately end up. My vibe says Trump will not be re-elected, but my shit luck says otherwise.

Anyway, I went to the lab and you could say I’m very worried about my TSH, moderately worried about my cholesterol, and mildly worried about my red and white blood cell count.

My nails still look worse than I’ve ever seen them. Some have a purplish tinge and they all have a faint yellow hue. Some have lifting as well. I think it’s a fungus and he thinks my nails are just dried out. Whatever it is, I’m not worried about it. I’ll leave them unpolished as much as that’s like walking around naked for me and see if they clear up. Thyroid issues are listed as one possible cause, but I don’t have lung issues, diabetes, psoriasis, or an iron deficiency.

After the lab, it was off to KFC where I got a 4-piece combo. I was going to get a 3-piece but got a 4-piece because the pieces were kind of puny. Ah, the unhealthy treat was so good! I was so hungry by then since I had to fast that I ate all the chicken, every bite of mac and cheese, and the entire biscuit. Adding a little variety for the next week, then it’s back to mostly potatoes and avocados.

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