Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Really getting sick and fucking tired of hearing about how horrible white people are everywhere I go online. This rant isn’t about any person in particular or even about any group but about people’s shitty attitude in general. It’s like people don’t get that white people aren’t the only problem in the world. It’s society as a whole. It’s totally unfair, unrealistic, and discriminative to blame one group for the world’s problems.

Yes, there were a lot of shitty white people on Capitol Hill. People who should be imprisoned right along with Trump. But why is it that whenever whites do something shitty, everybody’s quick to crucify them while some BLM members and others of color who aren’t affiliated with any group can riot, loot, obstruct traffic, and do all kinds of destructive things which people sometimes also lose their lives, yet the whole world doesn’t turn on them? It’s only the white people who get the criticism when they do something they shouldn’t and the dual standards just get old. No matter how much you choose to bury your head in the sand in the name of political correctness, whites aren’t the only problem in the world. There are just as many shitty assholes in other groups, but if you want to kid yourself, go right ahead. it just goes to show that the vast majority of the population has come to support or at least accept non-whites and that’s great. Really, it is. But to see so many of color turn against whites and even my own kind turn against us is really disheartening and worrisome. It’s not okay to shit on whites any more than it was okay for whites to shit on others.

The little girl that gets a bike for her birthday which doesn’t really faze her that the kid who didn’t get would be incredibly excited to have it.

The hopeless struggles one woman faces to conceive while the crackhead down the street spits babies out like crazy.

The guy doing five years for kiting while someone else gets a slap on the wrist for beating the shit out of someone.

The young straight male of color that gets the job the white lesbian in her 50s is actually more qualified for.

The rich people with thousands of dollars sitting uselessly in their bank accounts while others are starving.

Those on Indian reservations that get tax breaks because of what the government did to them hundreds of years ago and which no one alive today had anything to do with while others still have to pay taxes. Most others anyway.

The plentiful calories some people consume and still lose weight while others just look at food and blow up.

Even though it’s no one’s fault, it still bugs me at times how backward and unfair the world is. You dream it, you want it, you need it, and someone else gets it. It may not happen all the time but definitely more often than it should.

Nothing new really going on other than that California is being stupid again by having tons of people go to Disneyland and other places to get vaccinated. Gee, we have a pandemic going on so let’s get shitloads of people together so they can spread it even more, right?

Why don’t they just let the doctors and pharmacies have the fucking vaccinations just like with flu vaccinations?

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