Tuesday, May 3, 2022

I hate to say it, but I see some good in Roe being overturned. Yes, it’s absolutely sick and disgusting that we’re reverting back to the dark ages and that so many people are so high on being control freaks that they feel it’s their right and their duty to make personal decisions for others. And yes, people are hypocrites in that so many women in this country get shit for getting knocked up in the first place, yet if she goes to have an abortion, she’s an automatic “murderer.”

But I do see the potential for good coming of this and that’s that it’s going to make women more independent when it comes to abortion, which would mean less shit from society in the end because unless the woman says something, no one should know she’s having the abortion in the first place. People who go for abortions at abortion clinics get hassled all the time.

People only go to get abortions because it’s convenient, and that’s just the way it’s been done for so many years that it becomes customary. But it’s totally not necessary. There are a million ways to lose a fetus. Women did so before abortion was even a thing. There are tons of different herbs, drugs, and reasons why they tell you not to do certain physical activities. Plus, there is the abortion pill. I know that’s eventually going to become illegal too, but look at pot. It was once illegal, but it didn’t stop it from going around, did it? Plus, there will still be doctors providing traditional abortions no matter what the laws say. They’re not afraid of being sued. I am surprised, however, that we haven’t heard more reports about them being busted. Perhaps they’re hard to catch because you can’t exactly go undercover to catch them. They have to know and prove you’re pregnant in the first place. You can’t just go in there and say, hey, I’m pregnant, give me an abortion and expect the doctor to do so on the spot. But the crazies of Texas are kidding themselves when they said they saved hundreds of lives. I’m sure you agree that very few women allowed themselves to be forced to carry.

As I said, hopefully this will give them an independence that can’t be fucked with so easily because I’m pretty sure they’re not going to get their rights back in our lifetime. I just don’t see it. People have gotten way too obsessed with getting it into their minds that abortion is murder as they did by insisting God sees gays as sinners, and it’s not just a Supreme Court. Oh no, it goes much further than that. The polls are showing more and more than most people in this country actually want abortion to be illegal unless it’s to save the woman’s life. As I said, it’s a politically correct trend. People get obsessed with something, they run with it, and on and on it goes for decades or more. They’ll run this right into the ground as they have racism and other topics people just can’t seem to take a break from.

When they move on to dismantling gay rights, hopefully they too will find ways around things even though that’s a lot trickier. I just dread the day the law fucks with us directly. Hopefully, it won’t be so bad and we won’t have to let it. I will always do what’s right before I consider what any law says.


As expected, the fucking mower woke me up and it is the new norm to use the louder one. That’s OK, we’ll just get use out of that Do Not Mow sign that’s sitting in the middle of the new grass, and every time they mow when I’m gonna be sleeping, we’ll put it between the two houses. When they come back next door, we’ll stop. But just like doctors accommodate my schedule, these people are going to accommodate me as well. After all, we’re the ones paying them.

I’ve gotten two downloads already of my books! If I remember correctly, though, this is only because they’re new. The longer they’ve been out there, the fewer downloads they’re going to get. At least I know they’re total strangers and no one I know that’s only buying it to show support because they know me. I still hope I don’t get any shitty reviews. Some people still get bad reviews, even if it’s from strangers.

Mia’s free apparel gift was actually nice last time around. A mint green spaghetti strap dress. I was surprised because I think that’s actually a gem item.

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