Saturday, February 4, 2023

Really hope I don’t have a UT infection going on now, based on the burning sensation I’ve been getting. Drinking lots of cranberry juice now.

Today is one of those days where I would definitely take a rural setting over this place. First, the bitch behind the honker sits there gunning her motorcycle for several minutes before turning it off. Then she does it again a short while later and eventually goes somewhere.

Then it’s the honker’s turn to annoy me on top of startling the shit out of me when he fires up his own motorcycle that should never have been allowed in here. A few minutes later, he returned without cutting the motor and coasting the rest of the way. I could tell he forgot something because he parked parallel to the end of his driveway. Sure enough, he runs inside and then back out a minute later to take off again, this time heading the other way.

At least the honker should be gone in about 70 days. Unfortunately, though, this bitch is here year-round right along with Happy. They let him bark 31 times the other day and at that moment I wanted to let the redneck have it, but I know people. He would only go hipo on me and complain that I complain.

I’m in a good mood, despite the annoyances.

A certain reply to a certain reply of mine put a smile on my face earlier. Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge people because some of them are actually quite nice. Love how she said she was flattered she showed up in one of my dreams, LOL.

Also, I value those who are good listeners. I’ve dealt with enough people in this world who can’t shut up long enough to let you get a word in edgewise.

I’ll have to ask my doctors more about HRV scores if I really do want to consider seeing a cardiologist in the future. My numbers are supposed to be unhealthily low from what I’ve read. It's a good thing I have time because I'm still undecided on whether or not to see a cardiologist. I hesitate to on days I don’t have any issues and because it is what it is. My gallbladder isn’t what it is because it can be removed. But they can’t remove my heart. So with the odds of me being unable to tolerate any medication they may want to give me, it might not be a good idea to see a cardiologist.

I had so much fun skiing on the road yesterday that on and off I ended up doing it for two hours and 7 minutes! My rank is now down to 339 out of 181801. I rode 38.3 miles! It might be slightly faster than 20 miles an hour because online it says it should take 15 minutes to go 5 miles at 20 miles an hour. Yet I got there in 13 minutes and 45 seconds. No big deal, though.

Oh, speaking of skiing, I forgot to mention something really cool I saw on my Sweden ride. A couple was dressed in full skiing gear. Only the skis had little wheels under them and they were skiing along the streets. It was really cool and looked like a lot of fun.

I had a dream I woke up very cold. I asked Alexa what the temperature was and she said 55 degrees. If that’s not funny enough, when I asked her to turn the heat on she said, “It’s broken.”

Then I got up and found I was in our old Phoenix house and the honker lived next door.

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