Saturday, December 10, 1988

The night before last I took Penicillin for my sinus infection and fell asleep before midnight and I never woke up till 6:30 last night. I woke up feeling so lousy and so disoriented that I couldn’t figure out whether it was nighttime or morning. I mean, I felt awful. Tonight I gave Nervous Sasha as she’s definitely what’s been making me sick. It sure wasn’t easy. I’ll miss her something terrible.

Andy’s been telling me my singing’s not that great and that he doubts I’ll ever make it and that people tell me I’m good so as not to hurt me and they want to be kind. That’s such a lie and I know I can sing, granted I’m not perfect.

He said my dad only tells me I’m good to get me to lay off him and I told him, “You are so wrong and so negative and I don’t even want to talk to you.” Then he hung up.

Why do I always get negative people, if not desperate mental cases? People just don’t care or understand and Andy’s so contradicting.

Emily called a few mornings ago totally hysterical cuz she’s been working so much. I mean, she really has changed. She’s become so dramatic. I just don’t consider her a true friend anymore.

Nervous just called to wish me good luck on the state board test I’m not taking. I lied and told him Andy was taking me, but the truth is I don’t want to go with Nervous, and Andy has no car. Phil, Ruth and Marty are away.

I’ll have to re-submit my papers and pay another $25 fee.

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