Sunday, June 28, 1992

Today my day was off to a raunchy start. I called that church for food assistance last Thursday. They were supposed to deliver food yesterday or today and they never did. I was pissed off and so hungry. I called them from upstairs at Robert’s and went off on them. Even though I slept late, I had to stay hanging around here since Thursday.

I have been at the pool every day tanning.

I’ve met Andy’s friend Velma and she’s very nice. She’s a hairdresser who thought my hair was beautiful. Eventually, I’ll need her to trim my ends.

Right when I first got here, I answered some personals. One where you leave a message for the ones that sound interesting and they call you back. I left about 10-15 messages and have only heard from 3. The others were probably turned off by my being feminine and so short. Two of them sounded as if they’d be nice but they were seeking someone for threesomes. One girl wasn’t into that, seemed nice and gave me her number. She gave me her beeper number and that was right as I was moving into my own place. I forgot where I wrote the number down and was supposed to call her on her beeper the Wednesday before last. Then she was gonna call me upon getting my message and come over. I found her number a few days later, called her beeper and punched in Andy’s number, but haven’t heard from her. My memory of our conversation is so vague as Velma was over talking to Andy. I can’t even remember her first name but I think she may have said something about going away for a while. A vacation of some sort, I guess, but I don’t know for how long.

Later, when I was at the pool swimming and tanning, Robert said he got a call about the church delivering food. He said they’d bring it to me tomorrow evening between 7:00 and 9:00, but I don’t buy nothing till I see it.

Nor do I believe I’ll ever have Pez or Donna’s bed.

Before I talk about another Donna I met who lives in Andy’s old 1-bedroom apartment, in Springfield the average apartment building was 4 stories. Here they’re usually 2 or 3 from what I’ve noticed. The studios go up to 2 floors. The 1- and 2-bedrooms go up to 3 floors.

The temperature was 108º today and 111º the other day. This is why you must constantly jump in the pool as you’re tanning.


Andy will be over soon but I’ll write till he gets here. First I’ll write about the beepers, then get on with other stuff. Andy told me all about this before I moved here. He even had it done to me. There are a few exchanges here that are mostly for beeper numbers. You take someone’s number (like Barb and Dave’s for example) and first you call a beeper # like 401 + 4 other digits. You’ll hear a beep then you dial the area code + # + pound key (#). Whoever owns the beeper should get this # displayed to them digitally and call them. So far, I’ve beeped in Fran, Jenny, Maliheh, Debbie and Barbara.

I may also write a “crazy” letter here and there to whomever. I’ve written to my family and Fran, Nervous, Debbie, Bob and Jai. I also sent a letter out to Chief B who I hear asks Kim about me. I’ll also write to Kim and Jessie.

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