Wednesday, January 26, 1994

Andy was going to come over tonight, but he fell asleep. I can’t wait to show him my artwork, and he needs more tapes done. He did send a surprise letter in the mail. It was cool of him since I’m no longer back East and his letter was funny. I copied it into #54 which I tore out several sections of like I did with #53. If worse comes to worst, though, I can always recopy them as I did with the old tiny journals. He also sent a religious note and a picture of a lighthouse at Martha’s Vineyard that someone left him. Also, a tax business card, an NPN card for a plate, and a Red Lobster restaurant questionnaire form which he filled out. After I copied the letter (his), I mailed it to Fran, along with the lighthouse picture. Bob got the Red Lobster survey. Nervous is getting the plate. I stuck the tax card and the religious letter in an NPN envelope.

When Tom got home, he cooked us hash browns and I wrapped change. He has these really cool coin counters that are so much quicker and easier. This is the first time in my life I enjoyed wrapping coins. I wrapped $10.50 in a fraction of the time it’d normally take.

A while back I gave Tom my little unicorn address book, cuz I copied phone numbers in #35. Well, right after he went to bed, I copied in phone numbers for him. He has this really neat thing that looks like a calculator, but it holds names and numbers.

I typed letters to Fran and Bob, played a game and watched TV. I have one 1-hour show I taped earlier. I think I’ll go play my game, then see it.


Well, the good news is that I’ve had 14 cigarettes today, rather than 17, but the bad news is that I’m tight in the lungs.

Andy just called. He just woke up and is now getting ready to go to work. Boy, I sure don’t miss feeling his stomping footsteps. I don’t know how anyone below him deals with it. Hopefully, he can come over tonight, so I can show him my art, dub some tapes for him, and give him back the shirt with the button I sewed on it.


Tom’s taking a shower now. He cupped my back a little to break down the tightness. Shit gets stuck down there every now and then and it’s not always easy to cough up.

I was reading back at the beginning of #10 and browsing through several others. I can only imagine how many words I’ve misspelled and left out of sentences. Also, sometimes my handwriting is neat and other times it’s sloppy as all hell. It depends on my mood and how awake I am.

Tom just got out of the shower. In about half an hour he’ll be going to work. After he leaves, I’ll watch TV and make some coffee. Bye for now.


At 8:00 this morning I was browsing through the TV guide when I saw her name. Jenny Seagrove (Norah) in Nates and Hayes. I taped it when I fell asleep at 10 AM and saw it when I got up at 4 PM. It sucked, and it was all pirates fighting the whole time. Jenny looked better in The Guardian, as there she was shown more and in modern clothes. In this movie, she wore Little House on the Prairie-type clothes all the way through. Her hair was longer, though.

Got a really nice letter from Dad. I called and the bitch answered saying it hasn’t been a month. She knows damn well I can afford to call her. This is just her excuse as a way to not deal with me too much. Fine. I hung up on the bitch.

Andy left a message saying he wouldn’t be over, his car died, he already sold it, but don’t worry about him. How’s he going to get to work? Probably a coworker or a cab.

Tom brought some KFC home after work. That was nice, cuz I was so hungry. Tomorrow he’ll get groceries.

We chatted for a while and he went to bed. He mentioned us having fun tomorrow night. Yes, the sex is getting better, easier, and more frequent.

After he went to bed I played with the pig, watched TV, and typed a letter in response to Dad’s letter. Did some knitting, too, and now I’m not sure what I’ll do next. I’ll figure it out.

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