Sunday, January 9, 1994

I can’t sleep yet, but I am not far from sleep, either.

I don’t know when or if I’m going to return to the Arthur Murray dance studio. It’s awfully confusing as far as the cost goes, so I’m postponing it for now. They don’t make themselves clear enough on their prices. All they say is that it varies, but they’re never specific and they’re very vague. Why can’t they just say it costs this amount of money for this number of classes? Is it because they’re too expensive and they try to hide this till they get people suckered in?

Today Tom and I worked on organizing the back room. We sorted papers, disks, magazines, etc.

Thankfully the beautiful people across the street were quiet Friday and Saturday nights. Now all I hope is that tomorrow they don’t pull what they pulled last Sunday as I won’t tolerate it. No 4-hour concerts for me.

I’ve been billed for blood work beginning a few months ago. I ignored it figuring they would catch on that I have Medicaid and Medicare and bill them. They didn’t. I got a letter from a collection agency and I’m mailing them my billing information.

I also sent for more address labels. A form came in a package of coupons yesterday. I’m getting 250 rainbow colors for $5. I’m also ordering another 100 stamped envelopes.

I did 5 postcards, too. I have 4 postcards left for each of the following people: Kim, Bob, Alex, Fran, and Nervous. Nervous still hasn’t answered anytime I try calling.

Now here’s the funniest news. Andy came over to get his list of Stevie songs. Plus all my no-postage-necessary cards which he’ll mail. He brought me 3 letters that were set outside the mailboxes where he lives. One was even from a prison inmate in Florence, AZ. All had return addresses on them so I’ve “responded” to everyone who wrote, with wacky letters. I copied their letters in journal #54 which is Book of Letters #6. I read them all on Andy’s VM. He loved them and was cracking up. Then, here’s what I did with the 7 NPN envelopes: Put each of the 3 letters in a separate envelope. Put each of the 3 envelopes these people sent their letters in 3 separate envelopes and the dance studio’s number and address in another since I copied it in #35.


Got up at 11:00 today and did a few things. Wrote out postcards, sang, watched TV, and played a computer game.

Tom just got home a little while ago. I asked him if he wanted me to read him to sleep, but I guess not. We were just talking about movies.

I hope I get mail tomorrow.


I just talked to Tammy and told her about the dance studio.

Now I’m watching a movie that’s going on soon. I’ll write later.


I decided to tape the movie I was going to watch. While it was taping (and is still), I typed up a letter to my parents. I used the last of the 100 stamped envelopes, but like I said yesterday, I ordered 100 more. I hope that with tomorrow being the beginning of the 6-day mail week, I get a few letters. I sure as hell have tons of outgoing mail.

As figured, I still have not gotten any video of Lisa’s concert. I doubt I will. Tammy says she’ll send a lot of things she never does. Besides the video, she was going to send my proofs back and a family portrait, but oh well. I’m sure she has her reasons for the delay.

Still no answer at Nerv’s. I just tried again. Earlier I called his very naïve mother who was nice, though. I said I was Julian, a friend of his, and I asked if he was OK. She said as far as she knew he was OK.

I called Fran earlier and quickly hung up after 5 words. The idea was to get him to call me back but he didn’t.

I’m dying to find out what Bob thinks of the tapes. I wish I could’ve been there to see his reaction.

The beautiful people across the street didn’t give us a concert this weekend. Thank you, God!

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