Thursday, July 14, 1994

I was all set to do lots of writing, but I just decided that I wanted to go for a nice refreshing swim first.


I wonder if Andy’s going to stop by. He said he may after he goes to the attorney general’s office.

I just went for a swim, but the next swim will probably be with Tom when he gets home from work just like we did last night.

I just got 3 more Bob letters which I’ll copy later.

I already wrote about Fran’s package, but guess where his letter’s going? I sent Andy the letter with their address next door. I cut off the names and addressed it to a fake name, c/o their address. Well, he’s going to address it. This way there’ll be none of my handwriting and our mailman won’t pick it up from here. I can tell these people will be pretty flabbergasted. Especially by the sexual stuff, since they’re so conservative.

No, they haven’t been noisy, but I owe it to them for the times they did wake me up and annoyed the fuck out of me when I was awake here and there. Plus, as soon as the weather cools down, I know there’ll be some basketball games and screaming here and there. Thank God for my fan!

Now, to cover the little stuff before I get to the bigger stuff. I’m typing up computer programs. All that algebra-like formula that runs it. It’s not something I have a certain number of pages to do, though. It’s an ongoing thing. I do a little here and there whenever I can. Just like with copying my journals.

Tom’s picture printing program is a far cry easier than the one I used before, but I still had a problem getting it bigger than 4”. I did 4 Norah pictures, but he’ll have to work on it some more.

We’re going to take and make pictures out of our wedding video and send them off to different people with thank you notes for those that sent money. I’ll send some to Kim, Bob, Fran and my family. Maybe even Nervous.

We got the proofs back from the wedding the other day. They came out nice, except my face looked fat in a few of them. We’re keeping all the proofs and we may make copies someday, but we chose poses for the three 8x10s and the two 5x7s.

Andy sent me 4 pictures he took of me. Two of me in a restaurant that I’m sending one to Tammy and my parents. The other two are the same and they’re of me drawing a flower pot in Andy’s apartment Again, I sent one each to Tammy and my parents, but I cut it from the ass down cuz my legs looked bigger than life itself.

Today’s the day my workout thing from Denise Austin was supposed to come, but so far I haven’t gotten anything yet. A UPS truck did stop in front of the house, but I didn’t see where the driver went. Then he just left.

Can you believe I got another rose book? It’s under the same name of Nora G, too. Probably from Andy, but I keep forgetting to mention it to him. Well, good, then I can just use the pictures I didn’t use before due to using ones on the other sides of them.

Remember how I said I used a permanent marker to number my journals? Well, the marker wasn’t so permanent, so I made those stick labels that you punch in.

I also took out the red lightbulb that was in the hall and replaced it with a regular one. Now I can see better when I’m digging around in the linen closet. I took a little lamp I made in woodshop in 6th grade and put the red bulb in that and put it in the living room.

Last Tuesday I went and closed out my account with Tom. Soon we’ll have a joint checking account. Maybe some kind of savings account, too.

Also, I got a nice floral sundress for Mary’s wedding this Saturday.

Got a new microwave with Tom’s parents' money and it’s great. It’s got much more power and it has a carousel. There’s also a popcorn memory in it which is great for someone who eats it like it’s going out of style.

Got a new journal (#75).

Tuesday we also went to an art store that was like - oh my God! I wanted the whole store. I got a book that shows me how to improve drawing facial features and structures. I thought it’d help a little, but I thought wrong after I copied a sketch of a woman from it. It came out so good! My best ever and I’m so proud of myself. Still can’t believe I did it. I guess these days I can call myself a real artist, rather than just a doodler. This weekend I’m going to scan it so I can send copies to my family and friends.

I also got paints and two figurines. They’re about 10” high and one’s a cactus and the other’s a cowboy boot. It was so much fun doing them and they look great. Can’t wait to do more. I’d like to get two smaller ones (cactuses) and do one for my parents for their anniversary and one for Tammy for her birthday. There’s a paint pen I’d also like to get so I can sign it better and date it. That’s a little hard to do and very awkward with a paintbrush.

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