Thursday, July 21, 1994

Well, I did finish typing up #40. I don’t know if I’ll start from the lowest # I left off with and go up in order, or what. If I were to go in order from here on out, that’d mean I’d be doing #11 next.

I just made some coffee and took an Ibuprofen. I had a headache brewing, but it’s going away now. Ibuprofen’s a wonderful thing to have.

Tom and I swam after he got home and had a couple of sandwiches. The water’s like bathwater.

Wish I could’ve been next door to see their reaction when they read Fran’s letter to Sabrina. They seem like the type who’d puke over the sexual part of it. They probably threw it away before they got done reading the whole thing.

Yesterday, or the day before actually, we called in for that Phase-Out thing for quitting smoking. I can’t wait till it gets here and I hope there’s no delay like with my workout equipment.

Fran left a message at midnight his time, thinking it was 10:00 here at the time. He said that “Ranger Rick” was there. Yeah, I could hear him in the background.

I’ll be calling Andy when I get up tomorrow. Supposedly he’s still coming over.

I trimmed my bangs a while ago. Boy, did they need it, and I layered them this time.


I’ve never wanted to kill Fran more in my whole life. The nerve of that boy! First the stupid little fuck leaves us messages (me and Andy), then calls the Police Department. There was a message from a Michelle saying they got calls there at the department and they were calling to see if I knew anything about a “Sabrina M.” God, have I had it with his shit! I literally want to smear his face all over the wall! He’s got a “fuck you and fuck off” letter coming, but for all I know, he’ll probably turn around and call my Police Department after calling his and say I’ve got dead bodies here for ignoring him and trying to get attention. I’ve had it with his shit and I don’t care if he calls my parents or any other O’s listed. Neither Tom nor I will talk to him and he can waste all the money he wants on leaving messages. He, Nervous, and anyone else I left behind in that shit city are history. If Andy wants to associate with him, that’s his choice.

Speaking of Andy, he was over here today. He typed a letter and dubbed some tapes.

Here’s another weird thing that happened today. About 3 people called asking if I paged them. Right away I thought it was Andy cuz we used to do that. It wasn’t him, though, so I have no idea who did it. The only thing I can think of is that Fran knows a few people with beepers. They never said they were out of state, though, and I didn’t ask. Oh well, what can I say? I ain’t about to let it ruin my life.

Andy’s mailing my letters for me as well as Tammy and them guy’s banner.

I got 2 Bob letters and 2 Kim letters. Finally, I got a message on Prodigy from Lisa. It’s so funny and cute, how she misspells certain words. I printed it out and stuck it in #70.

I finished typing up #40 and now I’m doing #41


Just thought I’d quickly jot down a few lines before I go and watch a movie.

Andy said that the letter he sent Don is the talk of his complex. It’s a maintenance guy there who everyone hates, and Andy sent a letter hitting on him. As a fem, not a woman.

He also called Fran and told him to fuck off and out of both of our lives. Sure enough, he left a whiny crying message wanting to know what was going on.

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