Tuesday, July 11, 1995

Andy, who’s on the phone now, just got a message from me to give me a call as soon as he can.

I guess for now I’ll go over what stands out in my mind when I communicated with Robin. Actually, it was she who first began communicating with me till I felt my fears and doubt lessen. She basically made it clear to me that she means no harm and doesn’t intend to disrupt my life or relationship with Tom.

There were two significant encounters. The rest of the time I feel her with me on and off. The second time we talked more. Again, it was a telepathy thing. We spoke with our thoughts. There were no voices or anything I could feel in a physical way. Or see. It was all through sensing. It’s not like sensing a certain thing in life is gonna happen. In a way, it’s stronger and surer than when I get one of my stronger feelings that something in life will or will not happen.

As I may or may not have said before, I don’t sense any danger at all. It’s not like I sense or fear that cuz of the strong feelings of love she’s giving off to me that she’s gonna kill me so I can be with her in her way and her world.

Andy says that he’s heard that 1000 years to us is only 1 day to God. Damn! That’s a hell of a long day. Does this mean that Robin feels as if she’s only been dead for a few minutes?

She did hint to me about there being a God. I asked her if what Andy said was true about each of us having guardian angels that work for God. In a way that I can’t quite explain, I got the feeling from her that that is true more or less. God can keep her away from me, for example, like He did the first 10 years she was dead.

I also believe she told me in her own way that she’s now my angel. I was the first one she requested out of several and I guess God OK’d it. If I had a guardian angel before - I have no idea who it could’ve been. Was it anyone I ever knew?

Sometimes I’d sense her sitting by the bed, other times lying next to me. I could sense she didn’t want to smother me with too much closeness so as not to scare me.

In between these two significant encounters, I’ve had quick and slight sensations of her presence by the pool, in the kitchen, back room, and in the living room. Not too often when Tom’s been home and awake. As she said, she doesn’t want to get in our way which is more than appreciated.

I never bluntly asked her if and when I’d ever have some of my dreams and goals granted, but she seemed to imply she would help guide me there if she could and it’s not too far down the road. I don’t see how she can help or what she could do for me or Tom or both of us. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

I told her - don’t come around too often, don’t get too close. She does seem happy enough where she is, so that’s reassuring to know. She did say that anytime I called for her she could almost always come to me unless she was on another mission. Meaning, elsewhere with someone else she knew or whatever.

She said, as long as I always assumed, she could go wherever she wants unless the higher power restricted her for whatever reason, but she can’t be in two places at once.

She was born and raised in Maine, and yes, she could read my journals. She told me not to worry about my journals as she respected my privacy and already knew all there is to know about me from the day I was born till now.

She said we would be together someday cuz I was to die before Tom. Funny, cuz I’ve always felt that. Andy said if I died he hoped I’d will my journals to him. Fine, as long as he promises to return them to Tom if Tom wants them returned.

Then I asked what’ll happen when Tom dies and joins me and she said he and I would be together forever. She said she’d always remain in my life, though. From now till forever after I’m gone.

The things I see and hear are all through sensing. I still can’t make out her face clearly, but she can obviously see mine and anyone else’s as clearly as if one was staring into another’s.

Darkness and light don’t apply or matter in her world, either. At least, they don’t seem to, anyway.


I just tried to call Andy again. I didn’t leave a message, but he’s still on the phone. Not with Karson, though, cuz I don’t think she’s got call-waiting. I just tried her, but it rang and rang.

Andy still hasn’t heard anything from the pigs or US West, so that’s good.

I think I’ll go type up whatever’s been written so far about Robin so I can have a place where it’s all grouped together. This way if I want to look up something, it’ll be easier.


Just typed/printed 8 pages of all the stuff I’ve ever written about Robin. There’s one thing I forgot to mention about my case, one thing about Andy’s, and one thing about both our cases. Robin told me she wasn’t as quiet as I thought she was. Yeah, she seems a bit spunky.

Andy said that on the night his ghost raped him, he sensed another unknown source telling him to just relax and that it would be OK. He thinks Greg’s trying to tell him something, but Andy’s like - go away and find someone else who will deal with you and can help you.

After his VCR was repaired for the second time, they demonstrated to him that it was fixed before he took it home. Lately, though, he’s been having trouble with it again, as well as other electrical things around his place. Our TV has been acting weird too, but Tom’s certain he can fix it. I hope so.

Cuz my math is so bad, I just asked Tom how old Linda will be on the 15th since she was born in 1949. She’ll be 46. She’s getting up there.


I just began 91, the last book of my story.

I got a reply from the staff this morning saying I didn’t specify what organization ran the camp, therefore he couldn’t point me in the right direction.

I called and asked my mother, saying I was writing a book. Of course, she wouldn’t give me any info.

The best thing Tom did to instill patience in me that I now know isn’t for having a kid, is that he hasn’t mentioned reading my story. Of all the things he says he wants to do but doesn’t really want to, this is fine with me cuz I’d really rather keep it to myself. If he surprises me by bringing it up, I’ll let him, cuz I already told him he could read it.

Speaking of surprises, Alex mentioned that he and Kim had sex twice. Really?! I thought they were always just friends. The thing about it is, though, that Alex doesn’t seem Kim’s type and Alex doesn’t seem the type to lie about it.

The only people I’d keep all my promises to are Tom, Andy and Kim. Alex asked me not to tell Kim, but I’ve just got to settle my curiosity and ask her if it’s true. If I ask her not to tell Alex I brought it up, I’m sure she won’t.

My period, which began yesterday, hit me full blast today. This is good cuz last month was rather half-assed. This way it gets it out of my system and I have less build-up of boob soreness too early next month.

For the last 24 hours or so, I’ve felt pretty much no contact from Robin. I suppose I’ll feel her on and off, if never again. I guess I’ll never know for sure what this has been all about. I just wish I knew if she were really dead. I guess the next step would be to try and find out who ran that camp and post messages on AOL and Prodigy and whatever else and ask if anyone’s ever heard of it. I would really rather not go and send Robert Stack a letter at Unsolved Mysteries. They do, however, have cases of people looking for lost loves and friends.

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