Saturday, July 1, 1995

I have been so very, very busy. That’s why I didn’t get to finish this book yesterday as I planned. The last two days have been very fun and productive. For some reason, my mind is blank as far as Thursday goes. What did we do? I guess not much. He worked and I did my usual routine. We swam and I made dinner. We screwed, as well as today. I’m still doing whatever I can to deal with knowing we’ll never have a kid (no matter what he says).

We were super busy yesterday. We set the bombs off at 8:30, then Tom, Piggy, and I went to a drive-through to get breakfast, then to Mom and Dad’s. Piggy was not only comfortable as usual with riding in the car, but he had a ball at their house. He still ate his lettuce, squeaked, laid down, and sat with me, and even Mom and Dad.

We took our camera over to show them and we took a picture of Piggy sitting with Ma in her chair. One copy will be ours and one will be for Ma. She’s got a picture frame of different animals that the family has or has had over the years. I’m sure she’ll add this to it. I brought her a picture of me I didn’t like. I also brought her some of my drawings to see and she liked this lion I drew so much that by using a program Tom wrote that scans it onto a grid, she’s gonna crochet it! What an honor that she liked it enough to crochet it. She also gave me pictures on grids of a squirrel and an elephant to shade for her. She photocopied these at the library to crochet. I’m gonna do the squirrel in natural colors and the elephant’s gonna be more far out. This is the least I can do for her for all she gave me, which is like - wow! For years this Mexican family who made and sold jewelry rented a nearby house. Whenever they’d go visit their family in Mexico, they’d leave their jewelry at their house. One day they left and never returned. Therefore, the jewelry’s been there for years with no one interested in it. I couldn’t believe it when she gave it to me. I was like - oh my God! Thanks so very much! There were millions of different beads in so many different colors. Mostly tiny microscopic beads, but there were some bigger ones. There were longer beads, colored glass stones, lots of silver chains, some clasps, raw and polished turquoise, and all kinds of sequins. Not just regular little round sequins, but bigger ones in the shapes of birds, flowers, moons, etc. There are markers for drawing on clothes or whatever. I never had so many beads in my life. I probably have more beads, turquoise, and sequins than anyone else in Phoenix.

Tom has a little cabinet of drawers where he keeps screws, nails, and bolts, and all kinds of things. Well, we’re gonna get one of those for me. I spent hours separating beads. Some of them were all mixed up, so I sorted them by color.

I told my dad and sister about it. And Andy, too. I’d like to make different people different things. My sister likes men’s double extra-large V-neck T-shirts. My mom’s an extra-large. I may make them a beaded sequin T-shirt. Mom and Tammy may like turquoise, but not beads. The kids will like beads, though. I also want to make Mom S. and Andy something. I’m gonna make Tom a bracelet with blue beads. Blue is his favorite color. There was also a tiny charm with a #1 on it which I’ll put on it.

After we came home, I rinsed off stuff the bomb came in contact with and he changed Piggy’s cage. He turned the mister on and we went swimming.

I put some of my drawings in plastic folders but I’ve got to get more. They’re great cuz they’ve got holes so you can put them in binders. They’re in a photo album. Also, they’re easier to take out than it is to take out of the photo album cuz they can rip easily from the sticky stuff in the photo album.


Later yesterday afternoon we went to the mall and ate. Then we went to Old America, an art store. I didn’t get a doggy mug this time, but the next time I do, I’ll be getting a golden retriever. What we did get were things to make two bolo ties. We haven’t quite figured out yet how to put it together and we may be missing a piece.

We got a bead loom so we can make wide Indian bands for whatever.

Lastly, I got a puzzle that goes well with Arizona. It’s of a guitar with cowboy boots, an Indian print blanket, a harmonica, and a few other things.

Our last stop was at the library where I renewed Shadows and picked up The Beauty Queen Killer, a murder mystery.

Kim sent me yet another letter which is nice since I won’t be hearing from Bob. She said she really liked the idea of me disguising my handwriting and saying I was a fellow inmate with a crush on him, but not Chassidy-connected, or else he’ll show it to his lawyer. Who cares if he does? It won’t do him any good.

Anyway, I’ll write back to her, as well as to Tammy and my parents. I sure do have a lot to tell everyone. I still have much more to write about too, but I’ll do it in the next book. The 3-D kitty journal which is #93.


Lisa and I had another phone music session. She got the songs I sent her and began singing a song she made up. I played the notes on the keyboard for her and told her what they were, and she wrote them down. She also had me play My Time Has Come on the guitar.

Now I’m gonna go start typing letters, then later I’ll write about Andy’s close encounter with Stevie Nicks.


Boy, am I getting tired. It won’t kill me to write a little more, though.

Tom said on July 4th he’ll write something in here. I made him swear to it!

As for Andy’s close encounter, here goes - he and his friend Michelle who’s also a Stevie fan went cruising around Camelback Mountain. When they drove by Stevie’s parent’s house they saw her Jaguar parked there. They wouldn’t go up and ring the doorbell cuz he does respect her privacy. He says she gives him enough time when he sees her in concert. Anyway, they went over to her house and it happened to be garbage night, so they grabbed a bag. I guess they don’t throw their stuff in dumpsters over there. They have no alleys for them, either. He said he found lyrics and notes she wrote herself.

He was able to learn she was recently in the recording studio here in Phoenix, is putting out a new album, and is going on tour soon.

One note made no sense to either of us. It said: decorate house, don’t decorate house, sell house, claim bankruptcy, buy condo, buy house back.

How can she be having money problems?

The other thing he mentioned was half a dozen $30 boxes of facial products she bought at an expensive department store.

I typed up letters to Tammy and my parents. Tomorrow I’ll do Kim’s.

It’s also nice to be back in a book this size so I can lay on my stomach to write. It’s comfier that way and it gives my back a rest. I can only sit slumped over writing for so long.

I like this kind of hot chocolate I got cuz it came with a separate pouch with a lot more marshmallows than you usually get.

Gonna go read and listen to music now.

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