Monday, November 6, 1995

When I spoke to Tammy the same day I spoke to Larry, she said that cancer patient of hers did die. She goes, “My first one made it 3 days, this one made it 5 days, maybe the next one will make it 6 days.”

Yup, she is definitely cursed, alright. I’ve been teasing her and calling her the black widow, though. In my letter to her, I said that it was a good thing that I was the one who was the dancer and not her cuz she might have killed all those horny customers.

I’ve been drawing like hell. I’m really on a roll now. It comes and goes. Meanwhile, I did envelopes and am doing envelopes for the following people: Larry & Sandy, Larry, Jennifer, Tammy, Tammy’s kids, my parents, Kim, Andy and Sarah. On a sheet of paper, I did some drawings to send to Bob after Kim checks them out. I don’t want to do anything on Bob’s envelope. That wouldn’t be fair after asking him not to do shit up on his envelopes to me. I took journal 92 which is the big one where I put in pictures of Mom and Dad’s flags for decoration on inside covers and copied some ideas from that.

I just wish two things, though. That it was easier to use the scanner and that the scanner would scan in color. Asking Tom to do it is one of those things that’ll take him months to do, just like with the window in the music room. When’s he ever gonna fix that? Hopefully after the tag sale.

His Dad went home from the hospital yesterday, so that’s good, too. Hopefully, he’ll be OK for a while.

Meanwhile, I’ve been drawing the same drawings for these people. I’ve done birds, flowers, musical notes and different designs. I did a dog in a field of leaves last night.

Still feeding the pigeons who are always lurking about for food.

It rained again last night and today it’s in between sunny and dry and cloudy and damp.

Tom did end up waking me up on the day he thought I was ovulating unless he knows differently. Sure enough, though, he didn’t cum. Afterward, he was saying the only things he didn’t like about it were that the angle was off, which I felt was perfect, and that he didn’t cum. Yeah, right! I’m sure he’s just oh so upset over not cumming. I could smell the fear coming from him.

Later that night we were teasing each other, and I was saying how I was constipated at one point and he teasingly goes, “Oh, I guess we can’t have any more fun. You’ve always got an excuse.” And I reminded him that that was his department. Sure enough, after the plan was to go down on me, then screw, came the excuse to get out of it. He went down on me and then said he would’ve screwed if the tax papers hadn’t flown into his mind. I told him he’s gotta stop making excuses. There was plenty of time last night to do both, but no, we had to run and do those tax papers for the business.

This guy loves to tease as much as I love caramel. There’s just no stopping him from it. He’s just having so much fun with it and he’s so hung up on excuses to relieve himself and is so terrified. I’ve never seen or heard anything like it. Just from that nurse I spoke to. It’s nice to know that I know of one other person out there that’s gone through this. I accept his never cumming and I don’t want a child with someone so scared, but does he have to keep playing these games? Why can’t he just come out and tell the truth about how he feels?

Other than that things have been much much better between us. We haven’t fought and have been in good moods trying our best to get stuff done.

Yesterday we went through all the rooms, including the garage, and made a list of the stuff we wish to sell.

I had been constipated for the longest time since I can remember. About 5 days. I was almost afraid to go again, fearing I’d have the runs. I just went, though, and all’s normal with it, thankfully.

I hope I hear from Bob today. I haven’t lately and I hope all’s OK with him. I also hope he’ll tell me that he got that manila envelope OK.

I can’t believe there’s still no one next door, but I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!!!! It’s so peacefully quiet. Remember how I said that Arizona kids that live in houses play out in their front yard? The kids on the other side of the M’s house do and thank God for that cuz with the way things are set up, I can’t hear them from any part of the house like I could hear the M’s kids no matter where they were. If these kids played in their backyard which they never have since I’ve lived here, that’d be a different story. So, it works out perfectly cuz they don’t interfere with my life or peace.

I haven’t worked on my story for a few days, so I’m gonna go do that soon.

I haven’t heard from Kim so I may call her. I hope she hasn’t had any setbacks.

What else is going on? Well, now we need a new hot water tank since ours is leaking. I swear we oughta move into a modern house, then move every 10 years. As soon as things start to get old and worn out. That way we don’t have to fix or replace stuff.

I spoke to Andy last night and told him about that funny quack psychic, but I’ve spared telling Tom. There’s no telling how he’ll react which I don’t need to deal with, and I have a right to call whoever the hell I want and to talk to whoever the hell I want.


Finally! I got a 3-page letter from Gloria’s fan club which I’m gonna type in as well as a pin in the shape of a star with her name on it. Lastly, I got that glossy picture of her which is the picture of her that’s on her oldies CD. The letter describes what I’ll get as a member, then goes on to give a little bio on Gloria.


Wow! Tom’s down to 202 pounds. He’s winning the weight bet, but at least I know I don’t have to worry about losing the cumming bet and having to go 24 impossible hours without smoking.

Anyway, he just got home, so he’s doing the food and TV right now. I showed him Gloria’s stuff I got and told him about Kim’s video. It showed her and Doug, who looks like the type she’d go for, skating. They’re both pretty good skaters. It was still kind of long and boring, though. Afterward, it showed Doug skydiving. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kim got into it cuz she’s sickly brave enough to.

She also enclosed a letter and some psychic audiotape of God knows what.

I finally heard from Bob too, but he says that he hasn’t gotten my story or puzzles. Those fucking guards probably ditched them, cuz get this - they returned a letter I sent him with a couple of puzzles and stuck in a note saying that newsletters were contraband there unless they came straight from the publisher. Why the hell couldn’t they have at least given him the damn letter? Oh, those fucking guards! I may write about pigs and guards in my stories, but I really hate those fucking pigs, guards, lawyers and anyone else associated with the law. Well, I’m not sending any more puzzles to Bob, or any more letters in fingerspelling, cuz for all I know they could bitch about that. What took them so long to complain about the puzzles when I’ve sent them several times before?

Well, now I’m gonna go check the TV guide to see what’s on tonight, then do letters to Kim and Bob.

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