Tuesday, March 12, 1996

Last night Tom showed me our new Animouse he got off of AOL. It's got different cursors and pointers that are pretty cool. I'm using the fish with the bubbles that come out of its mouth.

Last night Tom also said something he promised to stop saying, but I just played along with him, determined not to give him the reaction he wants and expects.

We were talking about different types of dancing I could possibly get into in September and then what does he say? He said, "By September you'll be pregnant and we'll have nothing to worry about in the way of finding the right job for you right away and it'll all work out."

My heart said, "Yes! That sounds great and that's what I want."

My head said, "You liar! Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

What he wants is for me to get all psyched up on that happening, then for me to be let down while he teases me some more and he laughs to himself. Uh-uh. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of that.


Yesterday I asked Alex two "guy" questions. If a guy could really feel like he had to pee with a hard-on and also if he could hold back from cumming if he had to. He didn't make himself clear on the question about the pee, but he told me what I thought he'd tell me as far as the holding out goes. He said he could hold out longer to enjoy the sex more, but not hold out entirely.

I talked to Tammy yesterday who said Becky and Sarah were taking Karate classes. For $200 a year. Where the hell does Tammy get that kind of money?

I'm trying to decide if I want to go out and get some more color or what? I sang and I don't feel like singing anymore or doing any house cleaning, so I guess I can take a day off from laying out with the bees and watch some movies I've taped and read.

I may not have mentioned this yet, but we've got a thing to send away for this thing that's supposed to keep bugs and bees away from you within 15 feet. They're only about $4 and I think we'll get 2 of them. That'd cover the whole pool area. I just hope to hell that at that price they'll work. I also hope we can get them before too much longer.

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