Wednesday, March 13, 1996

Tomorrow's the 14th and I hope I'm wrong about something bad happening to Tammy or her family. It's a moderate to strong vibe.

Last night and the night before Tom didn't take the opportunity to have sex that he says he can't get, but he did go down on me last night when I asked him to.

I played his game this morning and told him, "I don't like the strong vibe I've got saying I'll be working in September, so tell me what I want to hear."

He said, "You won't need to be working cuz you'll be pregnant. Or at least on your way to being pregnant." I was wondering what took him so long to tell me that I'd at least be on my way if not pregnant. How can you be on your way to getting pregnant? You either are or you aren't. I told him, though, that that wasn't good enough. I had to know I was in September in order to not work. I'll be working. Trust me.

Otherwise, things are fine, but the weather's a far cry different from how it was over the last few days. It's cool and damp out. It rained last night, and it looks like it'll be cloudy all day and drizzle here and there if it doesn't really rain hard.

In 10 minutes, Twin Peaks will be going on.

I vacuumed the back room, kitchen, and living room this morning.

Yesterday, while I was reading, this incredible urge to work out came over me, so I did. I showed Tom when he came home how well I could do push-ups and he was quite impressed. Yeah, I was shocked myself, cuz I didn't think I could do them at this point, even though I couldn't do too many.


It's really, really windy out there now and since awnings seem to like to wake me up, I hope I don't have to worry whenever I go to bed. First it had been their awning next door, then when it was really windy it was the metal awning outside of the bedroom window that rattled and squeaked me awake. I guess the pigeons don't mind since they're still out there having a ball in the yard. There's been way more clouds and wind for the rain, though. 


I absolutely do not believe it!! Unsolved Mysteries called a little while ago! I spoke to a woman named Janet Jones who obviously considered it for airing, otherwise why would she call and not just send me the information on how to find people that she said she'd send? She really was looking for reasons to recommend it for airing and asked me if I had a photograph or any more information for her about Robin. I also told her what I've done to try to find her.

I'm amazed they called so soon, but I highly doubt they'll air it. I know they've aired cases with people searching for people with a lot less information than I have, but I think she's just gonna send me the stuff that may help me find her myself. That'd be nice, too, but I still can't believe they called. I'm absolutely shocked that they did and I still hope to hell they air it, but I can't see why she'd suddenly be fully convinced to air it or be able to convince someone else.

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