Tuesday, June 18, 1996

I’ve got 4 of Tom’s envelopes done and I’ve got 15 more to go. I’ve got 5 done actually.

No, I haven’t gotten any more clues about this little secret of Tom’s. I’m pretty sure it’s a surprise trip.

Tom showed me another way to turn the pool light on, so I swam earlier.

When I got up today I was hotter than hell, so I went out for a quick dip in the pool. Meanwhile, the birds were pretty frantic and desperate for food. They’re so impatient now. They dive on top of their food bucket before I can reach it and peck impatiently at my hand. I wave firmly at them to try to shoo them away, but that doesn’t work and of course, I don’t want to swat them. Then they follow me to the edge of the pool as I dive in.

I do have more to write about, but first, I want to see if I can request that song of Linda’s.


Why the fuck does the words I’ve added to the computer dictionary keep disappearing? If Tom isn’t playing games with me then what is? I didn’t mean to add Gloria’s name with a small g and now I can’t figure out how to get into the dictionary to delete it.

I evicted Tom from my directory. My directory’s getting quite big, so I asked Tom if I could kick him out and he showed me how to.

This is weird, but K-LITE says they don’t do requests. Since when does a radio station not do requests?

Here’s another weird thing. Next door’s been gone all day. They haven’t been there since at least 4 PM till now. I never heard them come home last night and I always know when they come home. Fine, though.

Yesterday I asked Tom if the secret was a one-shot deal that only happens once, when and if it does, or if it’s an on-and-off thing, or if it’s for always. He said he doesn’t know. I still hope to hell this has nothing to do with cumming or a kid which isn’t gonna happen. He did say, though, that he found out about this secret, so it can’t be sex or kid-related. I think he found out about something pertaining to a trip. I had asked him if a secret, in his book, meant that he was told something or heard something or if it was an instinct thing, or if it was a thought-out plan of his that he intended to carry out. That’s when he said it was something he found out.

Next, I should ask him what my reaction to the secret will be, in his opinion, but then again, what’s the point? He’ll tell me whatever it’s all about soon enough unless he’s bullshitting me.

Now I’m gonna go make some pork chops since it’s cooler to cook at this hour, and then watch the tube.

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