Tuesday, September 2, 1997

I’m soooo happy right now! We got a new piggy, who I’ve decided should be called Spunky. We went to the first Petco and I saw one that was damn good potential. He was a rusty brown color, but I wanted to look around some more. What was weird about him, though, was that although this was a short-haired GP, the texture of his fur was fuzzier. GPs have hair. Rabbits and hamsters are furry things, but this GP, seemed fluffier and more fur-like, whereas most short-haired GPs are hairy things.

At the second Petco we stopped at, I found him right away and knew he was it. He’s not all black, but he’s got gorgeous black and rusty brown colors. Almost the same colors Toffee had, but not in patches. It’s mixed in. His belly has a lighter mahogany-like color and there’s a little patch of that on his rear end, too.

He struggled like hell in the guy’s hands when one of the employees picked him up for me, then I took him and he calmed right down.

He was only $12, whereas the long-haired ones were $17. And of course, there were way more long-haired ones, but that’s cuz they’re so much more in demand. I’m glad I prefer short-haired ones. Everyone thinks the long-haired ones are so cute, but I think they’re goofy looking and they get so messy, too, with sawdust and shit matted in their fur.

So, we took Spunky home and he had a tick on him, but it shouldn’t be a big deal. If there’s any more, we’ll powder him up, as Tom said. When I first put him in with Bunny, Bunny sat there like nothing was going on. Spunky ran around and nestled against Bunny for a moment, then found his way into Piggy’s old house. He’s been burrowing in there. A little while later, Bunny was all psyched up and ran around batting his ears for the first time since Piggy died.

Now here’s the amazing part. He isn’t talking yet, which is typical of a pig when he’s first brought into a new home, but he actually ate some lettuce. Something they don’t do right away, either. Also, they don’t usually give kisses on the first day, but he did! I had him out a few times and he’s such a loving little sweetheart.


Just thought I’d write some more while Spunky gets adjusted to his new home. He’s awfully thin, but he’ll fatten up.

I’ve decided that this will be the last letter I send out to Shelly. I still love her dearly and I know she’s going through all kinds of shit right now and is bogged down with two kids, but I feel like this reunited friendship has been way too one-sided. So, I’ll let Shelly pick up the phone or a pen if she wants to. I’d rather let her make the next move (if she chooses to and I’ll accept whatever she decides), cuz that’d only be fair. I’ve done all the calling and writing and it should be her turn, but only if she wants to.

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