Saturday, September 13, 1997

Tom just left to go see his ma and get her some bug spray and paper plates she needs. Then tomorrow, he’ll clean up some of her old roofing that blew off her barn while she’s at church.

He put more primer on our roof today and I guess he’ll put the final coating on tomorrow.

Now here’s what’s odd about him. I mean, it’s odd, but it’s not odd. He just got through saying yesterday how he wants more time with me and how he hopes to spend time with me today, but yet he never touched me and I’ve been up since 5:00. OK - so he’s not so gung-ho about having more sex and he’s certainly not gung-ho about cumming, and I’m personally not in the mood right now myself and feel that the sex is getting to be old news with him after all this time (it would’ve happened sooner if we had had sex regularly), but I still don’t see why the need to go and lie about it. Why not just tell your wife you don’t have much of an appetite and you don’t feel comfortable about cumming much, nor do you really want the responsibilities/consequences of a kid thrown on you? Why say something for years that you know you’re not gonna do? I guess he’s waiting till later in the afternoon to have sex, cuz then he’ll start tiring down by then since he’s been up since 3:00. That way he won’t cum with the combination of how long he’ll be up and with the fact that he says he doesn’t cum as much when he doesn’t screw as much. As if I could get pregnant at the end of my period, anyway, if I were OK - right! This is one of the safest times for a fertile woman, I don’t want a child all that much nowadays what with our ways/lifestyles and I don’t need to be laid so often, either, so I just wish he’d not only face reality and say what’s really on his mind and what he really wants but just relax more. He seems to be nervous in bed most of the time still. It’s unnecessary, though.

We went to the library yesterday and they finally had part 4 of John Saul’s 6-book Blackstone Chronicles, but this time, part 5 was missing. The librarian said the computer said they’re supposed to have 3 copies there, but obviously someone stole them, so she’s ordering a copy from another branch, so I can read the last two parts.

I also got a couple of supernatural suspense stories by some author I’ve never checked out before and so far, the one I just started seems good.

Then we went to Book Star and I got 3 journals. One of them is a “gay” journal which I was shocked to find. I guess maybe people have gotten less ignorant as I couldn’t imagine ever finding a journal like this when I first started writing. Anyway, it has quotes in it by gay celebs.

I was all psyched up to see that I could reply to Andy’s message the other day, but when I tried to for the second time, I got that message saying I couldn’t reply to a non-subscriber. This is a fucked-up phone company, alright.

Believe it or not, we may be getting the effects of Hurricane Linda. Yup, a hurricane to affect the desert. Never has this ever happened in Arizona or California and they say this is the biggest hurricane the East Pacific has ever seen. It’s a category 5 hurricane and it appears to be heading for the US, so by the early part of next week, we could get slammed with heavy winds, rain and flooding. I’m looking forward to it, though, and it sounds exciting. I just hope our roof is fixed by then if we do get anything here.

I had a very pleasant chat with Sandy this morning. We talked about how mom’s such an asshole most of the time. When she came to see Larry at work, according to her, she never asked to see her or Jen and that’s really low of her. I don’t think Sandy and Jen are so hurt over it, though. Sandy understands, though, that a lot of the way I was in the past was influenced by her and she knows from what Larry and I have told her how horrible it was to live with her. When I told her that I had told her off when I got older, she said, “Why can’t I get up the guts to do that?” We laughed, but I told her sometimes you just can’t help it and you really need to speak your mind, or else you’ll really blow up.

We laughed and joked about the weather and the pie incident and I told her more about the parts of my life from when Larry and I weren’t speaking. To explain to her why I believe there’s a reason for everything, I explained to her all the hell I had to go through in Deerfield and Norwich, which would ultimately lead me here. It was my only ticket out of there. She hates the winters there but doesn’t want to leave cuz she’s very close to her family and all her family is there.

We also talked about how we wish more people were open-minded towards things like gays and she asked me how gay bars were and said that if two people love each other - fine. Yeah, I’m not surprised, cuz I knew Sandy was the type to not be prejudiced. I think people have had more trouble with blacks than with gays. It’s just that a lot of people who happen to be troublemakers have black skin. Meanwhile, as we know, I’ve known some great black people. I wish next door was like Steve was. The difference between them is like night and day. I think so many of them are so aggressive cuz of how so many of them were slaves long ago, but that’s no excuse and no way to be accepted in society. When someone comes in here, like next door did, acting like they own the street and don’t give a shit about others, yeah, I have a problem with that, no matter what color they are.

Sandy also told me that she did want more kids but when she was 36, she had to have a hysterectomy cuz she had a tumor in her uterus. Her period wouldn’t stop and the doctor thought she was pregnant since some women get periods when they’re pregnant, but she said she just didn’t feel that way. It was a tumor the size of a tennis ball and she said what I’ve heard - that it’s common. Several others in her family have had this. It fucking figures, too, that someone who’s such a good parent has to undergo this, while millions of sick bitches go on to spit 6 of them out. What I wonder, though, seeing how common hysterectomies really are, is when is it gonna be my turn? Well, you know how it is; if it’s common, it isn’t me, but since I know damn well that I’ll never have a child, why not? I kind of wish it would happen to me, cuz I’d love not having to deal with periods like Sandy says she loves not having to, too, but maybe someday. I’m at a prime age for that and although it’d be scary and a bitch to have to go through yet more surgery, you’d think that God would think that a hysterectomy would be just perfect for me.

So far the weekend has been peaceful. Amazing, huh?

I rearranged Teddy Bear’s cage again and now it’s both tall and wide. I made dual rings. I have a Sam ring connected to a Play City ring. The hideaway, whose connector is partially broken, is now on one of the connectors on top of the newest cage. The rings are on the other connector. I have a long tunnel connecting the two Play City cages and another long one leading to the old purple plastic wheel where he’s now asleep.

Yes, I definitely need 1-2 more small critters. This is too much home for one little critter.

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