Tuesday, April 7, 1998

It’s back. I didn’t see it, but I heard it, and it’s what my senses tell me. I’ve been hearing spurts of banging from the carport. As in, the city’s done doing their thing, it’s safe for him to be back, and he’s letting me know it. I said he’d slam back in, didn’t I? I’ll still have Tom double-check and see if there’s a vehicle there when he leaves for work, but my ” freeloader senses” have always been keen and accurate.


Andy and the goddamn phone! No wonder he’s so bored. All he does is the phone when he’s not working, and he’s been on the phone for hours.

I just heard a car engine start up next door, so maybe the door slamming spurts weren’t him unloading shit but packing shit. It’s unusual for him to be going out at this time, so we’ll see. There wasn’t any music, which tells me he may be around for a while. Lately, it’s when he’s taking off, that he tends to play it louder, but as I said, we’ll see if Tom sees a car there at 1:30 when he leaves.

Back to Andy. Marla emailed me after I told her he lost his job due to a few gay guys taking him the wrong way and she said, “He told me not to worry about it, but that he was flirting with everyone gay or straight. When’s he gonna learn? Customers expect service and I know that when I’m at a restaurant, I tip on good service, not personality.” I told her I totally agree with her. 

Andy also says he’s waiting for Steve, back east, to contact him. He doesn’t have a phone, so he had Adam put a note on his door. Andy says that if he’s single, he’ll be leaving this state and that I can laugh at him for having to deal with the cold, but he needs love. Well, I know that if I had to choose between being alone out here with Tom or being with him back east, I’d take him back east, as much as I hate it there. I’m still 100% sure he won’t go back there, but either way, I just want him to be happy and follow his heart, no matter what the state. A part of me still wishes he would go back there. That way we can do letters instead of phones, but I know he’ll only write once a year.

Got a Bob letter and the pictures in the mail today that we sent out with Tom and I with the mice. Also, there were pictures of Tweety, the cats, this pig, and the last one, and the rabbit eating pellets with a few pigeons.

I forgot to mention that Tom came on Sunday. Right on schedule too, when it’s too early for a real woman. Now, you know there’s no way in hell he’ll come on time, cuz he won’t cum a few days after he just did. I still say I know Tom S to a tee and what’s in his subconscious, so I guarantee you, I promise you, he will not cum tonight. No way will he. I’m as sure as I am sure that I looked fat and shitty in those pictures. My face, man! It looks like someone blew my cheeks out with an air pump.


I think the freeloader’s back. At least I’m pretty sure he is, even if that wasn’t much of a door slam just now. I can smell him. I just know a freeloader when I sense one of those things. So the city’s done doing their thing and it was just wishful thinking for me to think his absence could have anything to do with the letter. Like I said, I knew he’d be around for a while, and would be around for at least 5 more months.

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