Monday, April 6, 1998

Yup, that freeloader’s just hiding out. There’s a city van over there that’s obviously working inside the house, where traces of a man could be seen since I don’t hear anything from outside the house. So, like I said, as soon as they’ve done their thing and gone, back comes the freeloaders.

Today I see Melanie! Can’t wait for these eyes to see such a gorgeous face peering over her. And she has nice hair and is tall and seems to have a nice body, too.

Here’s a first - I threw my schedule from nights to days in one day. I took a two-hour nap yesterday afternoon and then was up till 10 PM. I ended up sleeping 10 hours and got up at 8 AM. I was exhausted, but this is something I could never do before. I either couldn’t take naps or if I could, it’d fuck my schedule up further. I had to cheat a bit by taking Benadryl.

OK, just now I heard some outside noise. I hope they’re not putting up a gate to enclose their backyard. Cuz if the reason they ditched the dog had anything to do with how the yard wasn’t enclosed and with how they had to keep it on a leash and it’d break free, this isn’t good. Now they can retain a dog leash-free, and not have to worry about it escaping. Tom said it’s unlikely they’d get another dog, but I still think they may when summer sets in.

Anyway, today I’ll mention that pen pal thing to Melanie if I have the guts to and if there’s time. You don’t really talk much at a dentist’s office what with them poking around in your mouth. I can’t picture her with a computer, or as a member of AOL, but you never know, and you never know if her husband may not be. Computers are getting more and more common and half the households have them. If she does have AOL or something like that, I doubt she’d agree to pen pal with me. After all, I am her patient. Not a friend. I just wish I could know that she likes me, too. God answered my prayers to let me be able to get to the appointment, and if only I could know he answered my prayers to be liked back by her!


The city people just left. Are they done doing whatever they were doing? Well, if they are, I’ll know it, cuz he’ll come slamming in. We didn’t hear anything from over there yesterday. Not even a ball game. So maybe that white car that pulled in unusually early for it being Saturday took her away for the weekend. Maybe no one can be in the house during whatever it is they’re doing, but why leave all weekend, too? We’ll just have to wait and see, but my vibes say no one’s moved out of there and no one will for quite a while.


I take that back. Now that I think of it, I think I did hear sounds from over there yesterday. The kid whining and someone bopping around the carport, moving or sliding something around.


Back from the appointment, which I’ll update on in a sec. Tom’s out trimming the hedges that are out front. Now I can spy on the freeloaders more easily and see who’s playing ball. I can’t always see who it is if the ball doesn’t go out of bounds and if the person’s really short.

When I pulled out two sheets of paper within our mail, I wondered what took the freeloaders so long to prank mail me back, but the more I studied the handwriting, the more I’m sure it’s Andy. One sheet said it was for the “lady of the house” and the other was for the “man of the house.” Each had a sexually suggestive paragraph telling us to go across the street last night at 5 PM. One said to go to the music people’s house (the one that had the band) and the other said to go to the cop’s house. So Andy drove by and read the numbers off the curb in front of those houses. Another thing that tells me it’s Andy and not the freeloaders is how they mentioned loving Tom’s blue eyes. How would they know they were blue unless they’ve seen them up close? But then they are more like hazel.

Then again, the freeloader did see him up close when he tried to get him to shut up, and this is a little out of character for Andy.

I was in and out of Melanie’s in just a flash. She said I had a loose bracket, then redid all the colors (all pink) that are in between the bracket and anchor.

Melie looked great. Her hair was down with the sides pulled back. It’s a wee bit too curly and frizzy, but it’s nice. It’s a perm, though. It’s to the middle of her back. She also seems a bit tan, too. She seemed more serious and didn’t seem as friendly and as talkative as she was the last time I saw her. She asked how I was, but that was pretty much it. She’s nowhere near as friendly and as talkative as Charlene is (the one that cleans my teeth), but you know how those good-looking ones can be.

I didn’t have the guts to mention the pen pal idea and figured something like that wasn’t meant to be, anyway. I won’t see her again for 4 weeks.


Tom said the bitch came in about an hour ago in some big gray car, but meanwhile, the cock just came in at a somewhat unreasonable volume. No door slams, though, since he had the music on. He’s back to a Jeep now. He just pulled in, ran into the house, ran back out, then left. We’ll see if he comes back tonight, but if I hear that music like that much more often, I’m gonna nail his ass to the ground. My guess is that he’s not staying there just yet, cuz he seems to only play his music when he’s leaving to let me know it. He’s certainly not gonna can the music if he’s just visiting or running in to get something.


I spoke to my folks earlier, but only for a few minutes. They were in the process of moving. She says she’ll be sending another box out to us within a couple of weeks. There’ll be more towels. She says some of them are brand new and have never been used. Then what’s she sending them to us for? I never asked, but oh well.


I just heard a kid, but only for a second, out back in the freeloader’s yard. Again, it sounded too old to be the girl and much too young to be the boy, so I don’t know who it was. I just hope it wasn’t to set up for a dog and I also hope the cock wasn’t driving a Jeep to transport a rather large dog in. Well, I don’t sense a dog in the near future, thank God! And he is a car dealer, after all. I don’t know this for sure, but it seems rather likely.


Why is their little animal child out playing on a dark, cool evening? Amazingly, I can’t hear it in the house, so maybe it’s two yards down, or maybe the sound’s coming through an open door/window. But their living room lights aren’t on, strangely enough. I only saw their back porch light on. Well, if it’s theirs, as I think it is, it’s not playing with a dog, cuz I’d have heard so by now if that were the case.

The dick ain’t there, as far as I know, and although I doubt he’ll be in later due to the music and due to the way he ran in and out in 60 seconds, he still could pop in any time.

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