Monday, September 6, 1999

So far, this has been a very quiet Labor Day. The blue pickup was in and out, but other than that, there hasn’t been anything going on yet. I don’t exactly have a bad vibe either, so I guess that’s good. If anything is going to happen, I’d say it’s not going to till the evening.

Next door’s lack of front light last night told me there wouldn’t be company, and from what I could tell, they didn’t.

I may’ve become immune to the Melatonin, which means I may only be able to hold a schedule intermittently. After two Melatonin pills not working last night, I had to resort to a Benadryl to crash (I know I should’ve spelled ‘Benadryl’ with a capital B all along, but I’m too lazy to go back and make corrections). Also, I couldn’t get up on time today. If only that tire screecher hadn’t fucked things up! I needed to sleep in till 10:00 cuz I was so tired. So, I probably won’t be able to back up my schedule. I’ll probably have to roll it over. At least I held the schedule for three weeks. That’s the longest I’ve done that in years.

We’re about to do something else we haven’t done in ages - screw twice in one week. We’re not gonna cum, of course, but still, it’s a nice change of pace every now and then.


It looks like nothing’s gonna be going on next door, after all. The blue pickup visited twice, but as far as I know, that’s all that’s visited. The cream pickup just began moving, but now’s the time it normally begins coming/going - in the early evening. Meanwhile, just like last night, there’s no front light on.

The only annoying thing I hear right now is some fuck gunning his truck, motorcycle, or whatever the fuck the Goddamn thing is. I just tuned him out with some music, though.

I don’t know if I mentioned this yet, but the silver car’s gone. The van’s still deep in the carport as it has been for months now, but the silver car’s gone. I don’t know if it still lives here or not. I haven’t heard car doors that sound like they’re coming from the carport. I’m kind of bummed. I kind of liked the idea of no one being able to get into the carport, but even getting to the street is too fucking close in this city!

The day after that fucking car with its screeching tires woke us up, we noticed tire tracks on the corner of our yard. Not the corner by the freeloaders which they drove over. We don’t know who the hell it was or if they were drunk, but I’d say so.

I hate being on the corner. We’ve got a corner lot out in Maricopa too (which he thought was Hidden Valley), but it’s different when you have a corner that’s 10 acres outside Phoenix than a corner that’s a sixth of one in Phoenix. OK, so we don’t have two houses just three feet away on both sides of us, but we get all kinds of kids and assholes like what woke us up cutting across our yard. Also, it’s noisier as far as stereos go, since they have to slow down to go around the corner and slowly drive by two sides of our house.

We’re going to be on the corner of two roads. Both these roads are in shitty condition. They’re dirt roads that are very bumpy. The good of it is that Tom said people aren’t gonna want to go cruising down those streets too often. Yeah, but they will when they’re improved like they will be someday. God’s not gonna let me live in peace no matter where I go, and if he does, it won’t be for long.

Sex was as I said/knew it’d be and I’m irritated again, too. I went from being sure it was from sex to sure it wasn’t from sex, but now I don’t know. It looks like it could be from sex, after all. I can’t think of anything else it could be. Why do I feel like God feels me having sex is a sin? Why have I always felt punished for any sex I’ve ever had? Why have I always felt sexually hexed? And the thing about it is that I know it’ll never go away. Once hexed with whatever, always hexed. So if someone’s hexed with jobs, they’ll always be hexed with jobs.

I have a lot more to write about. However, I’m not in the mood right now, so I’ll just say that I’m a little worried about things until Tom talks to Steven. According to the contract, we’ve only got three weeks left here!! But it just doesn’t feel that way. It just seems so unreal. I’m like - you mean God’s really gonna let us out of here now?! It’s like it’s too good to be true. However, we do have my logic, my vibes, and the fact that next door’s been quiet since we got the offer on our side. My vibes say the H's won’t back out of buying this house. My logic also tells me that too, cuz you’d think they’d have told us by now if they intended to back out. Also, from past experience, I know how it is with neighbors quieting down right before one of us is about to move. Well, hopefully Steven won’t have any bad news for us when Tom talks to him tomorrow.

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