Tuesday, September 7, 1999

Well, I did hear from next door for about five minutes last night at 10:00, but not in the way of music. The liar came in in the blue pickup, honked, then stood outside gabbing for about five minutes with some other bitch, before honking again, then taking off a couple of minutes later. I guess they only leave the front light on if someone who doesn’t live there is coming. But what was weird, was that right after the cream pickup took off at 11:15, the light then went on. Maybe they had company that I didn’t notice that came at 11:30 or later. By 12:30 I was out like a light, so who knows? Anyway, the horn honking couldn’t have been more obviously aimed at me, but fine. Let them honk all they want.

Miraculously, I’m back on schedule! Just when I thought I was knocked off it for sure, the Melatonin did work for me last night so I could fall asleep a little earlier and get up a little earlier. I still woke up a few times, though, but fell right back to sleep. There’s a catch, though, as always. I’ve had really bad bouts of constipation lately where I’m stuck for days at a time. Tom says it’s cuz he thinks I haven’t eaten enough foods with fiber lately, but I think it’s cuz of the Melatonin. Melatonin’s supposed to be natural and the bottle doesn’t say anything about that, but how much do you want to bet it’s just another one of God’s compensation trips? See? I have to pay for everything I gain. He’s not gonna win this time, though. I’ll eat more fiber, but I won’t give up the Melatonin unless it ever does stop working and stays that way. Meanwhile, I just won’t shit if he feels I have to be punished for my accomplishment.

I have never been more baffled by Tom and sex as I was the other day, but what else is new, huh? For the first time ever, he looked truly, genuinely bummed when I reminded him of why it’s not good to let me conceive even if the odds of that happening are one in millions, and suggested he keep not cumming. But it was always his choice not to cum in the first place so why would he be bummed by my suggesting he shouldn’t? I just suggested it, I didn’t demand it. He took the initiative to be my birth control along with God and he decided he wouldn’t cum. I told him later he could do what he wants, but even after telling him that, and even after the bummed-out reaction, he still wouldn’t cum. I just don’t get him. Why would he be upset over something that was always his choice to begin with? And why doesn’t he do something about it if he’s bummed over it?

I still haven’t gotten to our Sunday outing. We went to four different furniture stores to get ideas and prices. In some cases we can get what we want, in others, we can get what’s reasonable. We don’t want to put all our money into pricey furniture just because we can. We want to leave money for other things. In fact, he made up a budget he showed me today that looked pretty good to me.

We went to the grocery store yesterday where we picked up a few food items, as well as a different brand of KY for me that’s not so sticky and hard to wash off. What’s weird is that although this stuff is more liquid-ish, it doesn’t say not to use it if pregnancy is desired. However, both this KY and the one I’d been using say there’s no spermicide in the stuff and it’s not a contraceptive. Well, God and Tom will be my contraceptive just fine, and the stuff may not contain spermicide, but any doctor will tell you it’s almost as good as any contraceptive can get. It’s still too sticky for sperm to swim through very well.

We went to Staples too, and I got a damn good idea of what I want for a computer desk.

Lastly, I suggested we treat ourselves to some ice cream on our way back. Why not? Dieting doesn’t work. At least not for me it doesn’t. I’m sick of working so hard at dieting just to be the same weight month after month, so fuck it. I’ll eat what I want and fuck my weight.


The fat bitch took off in the cream pickup late this morning. I wonder where she’s been for most of the day. Maybe she’s working part-time, but I don’t know. I haven’t seen Chester or that striped van for a while, so I don’t know what his story is lately, either.


Maybe I know a little of Chester’s affairs after all, cuz he’s out front right now. The cream pickup and a green/white striped Chevy pickup just came in, and I thought I saw a fairly small guy take a box into the house, but then Chester came out of the house with a black shiny box. I don’t know what the fuck it was. He just handed it to the little guy and now they’re both sitting on the back of the pickup gabbing. This is the first time I’ve seen anyone hanging out front in a while.

Now there are two little guys. When I say “little” I mean that they’re shorter than Chester. Chester’s topless, and one of the shorter guys is wearing a white shirt while the other’s wearing a maroon one. They just put a bike in the back of this Chevy with its maroon plate and now they’re taking off.

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