Tuesday, October 12, 1999

I don’t believe it! I just don’t. The H's true colors are coming out. This is exactly what I mean when I bitch about God not letting us get ahead in life and having past people, places, and things reach out and grab us just when we thought we were rid of them for good. I guess they’re not so easygoing after all, cuz they fucking complained about the side of the house being trashed with roofing stuff (they didn’t make any offers or ask for any money. Not yet, anyway). It’s not that Tom didn’t want to clean that or the stuff he left on the patio and in the garage and it’s not that he didn’t want to vacuum the house, but he just didn’t have time. I suppose I’d complain too, if I had dogs whose paws could get hurt on those roofing nails that I was gonna keep outside all the time, but still - isn’t it a little late for that? That’s not our fucking house or our responsibility anymore. We already gave them the keys. So Tom stupidly made them an offer that he feels is reasonable and that he feels would avoid us possibly having to go through the hassles of court, not that they could win since they now officially own the house. He offered $250 for either them or him to hire someone to clean it up. Fine, but if they think they’re gonna turn into little mooches and continually complain and try to weasel money out of us, they’ve got another thing coming to them. A part of me understands their complaint, but another part of me wants to slap them silly! And I was just saying to myself the other day how I hoped the blacks were leaving them alone too, since they had seemed so nice, making such a great offer on the house, and so quickly. Well, I hope those Mexicans make them miserable nonetheless with their trash and with their antics. The question is, though, what are they gonna do about that - complain to us about their music, about their trash in the yard, about all the people? They’ll be sorry if they do.

Yes, they do deserve a letter of some kind from me, don’t they? I’ll give it a few months, but I’ll either send them a wacky letter or maybe even a letter posing as the Mexicans, complaining about all the barking.

Speaking of all the barking - Gloria, in back, is not gonna be a happy camper. I know she hated those two collies just as much as I did, and now she’ll have five of them to listen to. I sure as hell had to listen to a lot of barking today myself. I felt so bad for Mary’s neighbors, remembering all too well all the barking I had to endure so close by, year after year.

Yes, we went over there to do laundry and to put up the handrail in Ma’s bathroom. It took him no time at all. He had to buy more drill bits, though, cuz they don’t even own a drill, let alone drill bits, and his are packed.

No one was there while we were there. He put the dog out back that barked and barked non-stop, and as usual, the place was a total pigsty. The place was caked with dirt and dust, and the clutter and garbage were horrendous. There’s no way in hell someone could live like that without actually liking it. Well, to each their own as far as living style goes, I guess.

Anyway, she had a nice, big washer and dryer in a little room at the back of their carport.

According to Mary’s scale, I’m about 120 pounds. Yeah, I knew I’d gained weight since leaving Phoenix. I can tell by how my clothes fit, although Tom says he can’t see it. He says all the walking I’ve been doing has kept me from gaining inches. Well, it is true that I did have more inches for the pounds the last time I was in the 120s, but still, I’m quite the chub. I could easily afford to shed a good 20 pounds and get into shape, but that’s hopefully going to be done once we get into the house and get an exercise machine of some kind.

After leaving Mary’s, we went to JB’s where I got a scallop and fries lunch, topped off with a slice of pecan pie. He got a burger and fries. He doesn’t like as many things as I do. Primarily he likes hot dogs, burgers, pork chops, steak, omelets, chili, and ham and cheese sandwiches.

We finally ordered a couple of CDs from our CD club the other day online. I ordered Trio 2 with Linda, Dolly, and Emmylou. It’s been so long since I got their first Trio album. I was on Oswego St. in Springfield at the time, so it was in the late 80s. I also ordered a Heart CD.

We’re thinking of things to do to conserve energy in the trailer, and are still looking for a reasonable generator, as well as a backup vehicle. We decided on getting a portable CD player and me a journal to write in like I used to, instead of using the computer. We certainly won’t be online during this time either, that’s for sure.

We’ll probably sleep here about five more days, then we’ll still keep the place till right around the 24th which is what we’re paid up till, but will be moving stuff out little by little.

According to what they say, we’ll be in the house by Thanksgiving, and we’ll be able to see the house brought in, which is set for November 1st! I was hoping to see it driven in.

OK, it’s time to get to Jade, for once and for all, who’s still about a week away. I did decide to check out JBS Dolls after all, and yes, they do have a lot of realistic-looking dolls (they seem to range from about 24”-32” for the most part). But that’s just a small part of it. The wonderful part of it is that you don’t have to buy what you see as it is! You can take a doll like Chyna, for example, which they do have, and say give me that doll, but instead of having her be oriental, have her be white and put red hair on her! They have books of wigs and stuff like that, and you can also pick out their outfits, too! Never again will I have to worry about getting a doll with a beautiful face but who has a boring outfit, or a doll dressed nicely with a boring or ugly face! I probably won’t buy any more clothes from them next time, cuz they’re way too expensive. Anyway, it’s been a dream of mine to find a pretty mold like I did with Jade who I thought was the best-looking doll there, then tell them to put straight black hair on her, give her brown eyes, and put her in a pink dress, and that’s just what I did! They don’t glue the hair on the dolls they have set up in the store, so the people can buy them as they are (then they’ll glue the wigs on right on the spot), or have them glue the hair on but take them naked so they can buy their own outfits for the dolls. Then you can do what I did. I saw a beautiful 32” Indian doll named Jade, who had on a typical Indian costume which I don’t particularly like, with black hair without bangs. I told her I wanted that doll with the same Indian complexion in a kit, but I wanted her in a pink dress (hopefully it won’t be too girlie since she is a woman doll) and that I wanted her black hair with bangs. She says putting the dolls together isn’t too hard, and that they have classes for that for just $15. Well, we’re gonna give it a shot ourselves (all they’re gonna do is paint her).

I hope this is a potential money-maker if it isn’t too hard to assemble dolls, cuz then I could sell them and buy dolls for myself with the profits. I’d still like to have a redhead, a black doll, and an oriental doll. There were only a few doll faces that really stood out, and one of them was Shay’s (if that’s how she spells her name). I liked how her mouth was open and how well you could see her two front teeth.

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