Tuesday, October 5, 1999

Tom called about an hour ago saying he might’ve gotten a hold of a suitable trailer. He said it’s 27’ long with a full bath and all that, but it’s 20 years old. That’s OK, I told him. As long as we get out of here, although it’s quiet right now, and the blacks did quiet down after that initial wild spree they went on upon coming home. It’s mostly my just wanting to be on the land and watch the workers work, now that God’s blessed me with one less thing to have to worry about - my schedule. Anyway, he wanted to know if it’d be OK to check it out without me. Of course, I told him.

He got stopped by a cop last night on his way to work for having a broken headlight. It figures, huh? Just one more thing we gotta deal with and pay for, but he didn’t get any ticket or fine or anything like that. He said he didn’t even know it was broken.

Tom called HSN and had them change our address, but just like I knew there’d be some kind of problem like there always is with HSN, he couldn’t order online cuz it didn’t recognize the address. I’ve been fighting for Sekarina, and now Chyna, for how long now? Long enough to know these dolls just aren’t meant to be. So now I’ve got $400 to decide what to do with. Should I go to JBS Dolls which should be open now? Should I look elsewhere online? Or should I get more Ashton-Drake dolls? Ashton-Drake is the only one reliable when it comes to non-store stuff. With them, what you see is what you get. There are no ordering hassles, and nothing’s sold out without you knowing it till you try to order it.

Speaking of dolls, I packed all my dolls since we won’t be here too much longer, and since we’re getting maid service tomorrow (unless there’s some problem with that, too).

I forgot to mention that yesterday when we stopped at the grocery store, I got a really pretty bottle I’m keeping. The bottle had tea in it which I drank on the way back cuz I was so thirsty, but for just a buck, it came in this pretty bottle with pink flowers on a green and purple background. The seal around the bottle’s neck has pretty blue, pink, and purple flowers. It says Arizona on it so it’s kind of a souvenir type thing too, and another southwestern decoration for me that’s pretty, bright, and colorful. I like southwestern decorations, but not southwestern furniture.


I have both good news and bad news.

The bad is that on the 7th, these mother-fucking assholes who just have to always have something going on are gonna be tearing up the parking lot at 6:00 in the fucking morning. The motherfucking cocks! Always, always, always gotta be doing something. This is total harassment and I do intend to take Tom’s suggestion and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I told you they’d be off to a new project as soon as the painting was done. I can’t believe they have the nerve to charge the outrageous fee they do just to be harassed by them and have to listen to other people’s noise! What will the project of choice be after that? The roof? Are they gonna be running around on the roof since they can’t sit still?

I didn’t hear from the blacks next door today till 5:00 (just the kids screaming, but no banging) and for a minute there I thought they were moving or were helping the white trash at the end move out, but I don’t get what the fuck they’re doing. One of the black boys and whitey are moving stuff out from the left side of us, which is the wrong direction for either the white trash or the blacks.

Anyway, in better, more important news - we own the land!!!!! Yes, they closed early on it since it’s already all paid for.

Also, Tom got a deal on a trailer from a guy at work. We’re gonna use his personal trailer and we agreed on $100 a week, plus we’d refuel the thing afterward, too. I’ll write more about the trailer once it’s set up and ready for us, but that won’t be for a couple of weeks yet. Just two black weekends left, though!

I wasn’t out much today. Just to get new headlights for the car and refills in a new Walgreens. I got a couple of nice cactus magnets too, which makes a total of three new ones.

Believe it or not, it was actually quiet around here today, but it won’t be when they repave the parking lot. Also, if those blacks are moving, and I don’t think they are, they’re gonna be noisy with getting it set up for a new batch of noisy, rude, selfish blacks.

Tomorrow’s maid service day. It’ll be interesting if they do what I think they’ll do. I’ll tell them they don’t have to bother dusting or vacuuming. I don’t want them too close to our stuff, and besides, we have the vacuum here now, so I’ll vacuum anything that needs vacuuming.

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