Friday, March 9, 2001

Means is on now. At 8:00 she woke me for my hour out, but I was too tired. A half-hour later she woke me again, asking if I had any medical requests and I was like, “No! I’m sleeping, buzz off!” But before I could fall back asleep, the coffee cart came. Their coffee is horrible.

I dozed on and off till lunch. People’s loud mouths, including Means singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat over the intercom, kept waking me throughout the morning.

No one came from A Tower last night, though I appreciate Johnson’s leaving a note for 3rd shift about not putting psychos in here, which turned out to be PĂ©rez, but she told me they weren’t sending anyone.

Silvia moved in with Mary, Myra and Peaches, since Brandie went home, and there’s a new person in 5. She looks to be in her 40s.

Johnson is so cool. I’m going to really miss her. She’s smart, too. She knows Spanish as well as German.

I asked her last night if I looked like I gained weight and she said I looked the same (that’s what Tom said) and that if anything my face looks thinner. I told her my hair grew a lot since I’ve been here.

She said, “It looks nice. It’s thick and curly.”

I’m still not sure if she likes me, but I sure do like her. She’s not only attractive, but she has a hell of a personality. Makes me wonder what I ever saw in Palma. That was just lust, and besides, 80% of my DO contact was with her the first two months I was here.

She told me that although any letter I sent her would have to go through the mailroom and be read, she’d get it and would write back, too. That’d be nice.

I really like how honest she is. Like how she told me my face had gotten a little chubby before it slimmed down. I’d rather be told the truth, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear than be told lies that sound good.

She was shocked when I told her I once lost a lot of weight.

Why else would I have skin folds around my knees and elbows?

Dinner’s going to be cold tonight because Hudgens is on. She likes to let the food sit out in the hall for ages before bringing it in and getting it served.

I’ll have to remind Tom to send more jokes, and if the Shadow Men, who only came once in the whole time I’ve been here, decide to steal them, then fine. It’s no big loss. I’m sure they took them for their own laughs, but why take the letters regarding cop corruption I started to write to Mom, Helen and Paula? What? Have they got a guilty conscious themselves or something? Or did they do it so they could hurry up and try to warn and protect the pig that I intend to expose?

What scares me is the possibility of being framed again and for something far worse. A part of me is afraid to try to expose him because of this possibility, but I’m not about to be bullied into being a coward by a pig like this, either.

There’s this rap song that goes, “I’m black and proud, I’m black and loud.”

That’s so like them too.

She finally pulled the cart in and is serving Alpha. I know we’re having pudding for dessert because I can see that much from here. As I said before, this cell’s got the best view for spying, yet it’s most private/quiet.

Mary testified in court again today and says she might be here longer than June. Damn! That’s a long time.

This woman is so fucking slow! She should have the whole dorm served by now.

Dinner wasn’t what I expected at all. We had non-spicy beans and beef. The bun we had was pretty good, too. It had chunks of walnuts in it.

I miss my Bowflex. I feel all fat and lazy just sitting in this damn cell, and I’ve had constant back pain lately. Tonight, not even Bengay and Tylenol will help. There’s just no comfort in jail!

They haven’t called us for rec in weeks. That’s so fucking illegal, too. People in lockdown are supposed to get an hour a day outside, but then again, I really don’t care to go out at 8:00 in the morning.

I hope and pray Tom’s OK and that Houdini will live to see me come home. As I learned from Scuttles, he could be fine tomorrow, sick the next, then dead the next.

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