Thursday, September 6, 2001

No one worked on the house yesterday or the day before. It doesn’t look like they’re going to work on it today, either.

Teddy Bear’s pregnant. We’ve had her for 43 days, which means the babies could be as far as 20 days away, depending on how soon she got pregnant before we bought her. One of my mice might be too, but I can’t say for sure on that one. Anyway, Tom and I are both psyched at the idea of having baby GPs!

I received 3 envelopes from Mary yesterday. One containing a letter, and two containing her story. It looks like she jumped to ‘92 when she was 15. That’s the year I came to Arizona. I was 26.

In the letter she confirmed my suspicions, telling me that although she’s never been with a woman, she’s had her fantasies and finds the female body to be beautiful. She’s happy with Todd, even though she says she hates guys in general. When she asked why I wanted to know, I told her I was just a very curious person. The kind some mistake for being nosy.

She was really dying for me to tell her who my woman is, so I told her it was a tall redhead. That should definitely tell her. Besides, I mentioned her knowing Spanish and German and how even she told me she’d swap German phrases with her. I know she’ll know who it is. Her reaction will be interesting to see.

I totally dread tomorrow. All I can do is hope I adapt to pissing in front of staring eyes, just like I adapted to peeing in jail with people in the same room. I do appreciate the warning, though.

I’m glad the community service is over, the mental health screening that they were supposed to do in jail is over and the counseling is almost over, but you know what? That’s still not good enough. We still have to dole out a much-needed $40 a month because of these freeloaders. I still have to report to Scot twice a month because of these freeloaders. I’m probably looking at at least 6 more piss tests, too. I appreciate the fact that he’s only coming to the house once a month instead of twice a month, but again, I don’t like it. He’s an unwanted visitor and it bugs me. It really bugs me. I don’t like how he walks throughout the house like he did the last time as if he owns it. I don’t like having to open my door to someone I didn’t invite. I don’t like my space being invaded! I hate having no freedom within my own home, having to watch every little thing I do in here so that it doesn’t come off as questionable. Yes, it’s better than jail, and yes, I’d rather pee once every few months under staring eyes, than have to go 90% of the time with someone else in the room and not have any privacy for shitting, but still – I’m forced to do things I don’t want to do and shouldn’t have to do because of the freeloaders who harassed me for years and who put stress on me day after day, month after month, year after year. The stress was often worse than the actual shit they’d dish out at me. When they weren’t doing something, just the stress of knowing it was just a matter of time before they would, was nearly unbearable. It really played on my stomach, my mind, my sleep – my life! And now I gotta pay for it with this shit?! Thanks, God. Thanks a million.

Yes, I see jail as an adventure, both good and bad, that was quite a learning experience, but it still never should’ve happened. If I was so meant to meet Mary and Teddy Bear, couldn’t God have found some other way for us to meet? Did he really need to go to such extremes?

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