Thursday, March 28, 2002

The babies are two weeks old today. Now that I can see their colors/markings quite clearly, I freed the 4 dullest ones. Tom wasn’t happy to learn I did this, saying he was developing a rapport with the pet store, etc. I reminded him that I don’t want to keep Lady, who’s just too timid, so he can bring her to them, along with those of Little Buddy’s babies that we don’t keep.

If he still thinks we’re going to do business with any pet store, he’s dreaming. No one wants a private breeder breeding from their homes. They use businesses geared towards breeding animals.

He’s still sick and I’m still ok. I’m virtually positive I won’t catch what he’s got.

The shorts now fit, though I don’t know why. I’m still 119 pounds. They don’t fit comfortably enough, though. I’d still like to get down to 115, then I’ll quit and just maintain that.

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