Wednesday, June 23, 2004

We weren’t in town too long today. Just long enough to do laundry and go to the grocery store so we don’t have to go out tomorrow for a change, even though I’ll miss having a real meal to get filled up on at least once during the day. It’s just that eating out gets too expensive and we can’t fit much in here. Besides, without a microwave or a refrigerator that works, we’re limited as to what we can get. Lastly, I have to eat as little as possible so I don’t go gaining weight as I haven’t been exercising.

While I was doing the laundry, Tom went and emailed Miss Perfect, but who knows if it’ll go through? I think she had a block on, though under the circumstances she probably ran and removed it.

There’s not much else to say other than that I miss being in a real room on solid ground with a real bathroom and space enough to walk through comfortably in, and I’m kind of tired of Tom always being there. Everywhere I turn, there he is. He’s a great guy, but too much of someone is too much. Everyone needs their space, privacy, and solitude at times. Hopefully, though, he’ll be working next week.

I picked a handful of these gorgeous bluebells and put them in a cup of water.

I also dipped some incense since I can’t get them to send me any. I’m not going to call either, since it wasn’t much money we lost, just to hear some bullshit line like how they never got the order or that they really did send it. I’m not playing mail games, and besides, they now have what they wanted and that was to get rid of me as a customer. I don’t know why they wanted to get rid of me, but the fact that they seem to be fucking up more and more on me tells me they’ve obviously been trying to drive me away. Maybe they think I asked too many questions, though isn’t that what they’re there for? Either way, I’m done with them.

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