Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thanks to the holiday and lack of overtime, along with the schedule curse designed to hold us back financially, this week’s check isn’t very good. So after the room and gas are paid for, there won’t be much left for food, though at 30 pounds overweight, I’d hardly be starving, just feeling a lot of hunger. I’m glad the room’s paid for and gas too, but it pisses me off that we’re still struggling and still stuck in this room all these months later.

Tom’s going to check the mail today, but you never receive money when you need it, so I know none of the money I won will arrive this week. Well, I’m determined never to be reduced to having to pawn another thing again in my life if I can help it! I’d rather go hungry all week.

They’re continuing to play with his head at work about second shift. The last time they said that was to happen was next Monday, but now they want to wait another two weeks. Always two more weeks, just two more! The question is why they’re doing this. Just what are they getting out of it?

Even though I didn’t get up till midnight, it was obvious to see that we’ve got a repeat performance of a couple of weeks ago next door in the end room. They haven’t blasted the TV yet or fought, but they’re loud, they bang, and they’ve come and go a dozen times between midnight and 2:30. Just when I think they’ve gone to bed, out they come. I’d like to think they’ll sleep all day, but I don’t know about that. Some people just seem to never sleep. And it sucks too, cuz I know they’ll be here for at least a week. So not even getting up at midnight will necessarily guarantee me any peace throughout the wee hours of the night when the rest of the building, or at least some of it, is up right along with me. Was this what the dream with the blacks was warning me about? If they could be that noisy after midnight, it’s going to be a madhouse over there when they get up.

Sometimes I think maybe we should go back to the trailer idea. If we’re not going to be allowed to ever live in peace anyway, maybe we should get a trailer, sell most of our shit, and have the rent be $400 instead of $1400.

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