Thursday, May 1, 2014

I suspect that as long as there’s nothing serious going on like any kind of an infection, the burning and itching I get down there is probably caused by my feminine spray as well as shaving. I hate that unsanitary feeling that comes with being too bushy down there, but maybe I should just limit the areas I trim. After not using these items for a while I hope that the bumps I have around my clit go away. If not I guess I’ll have to make a pap app. 

Andy and his “nigga” pics! Again I have to wonder if it isn’t aimed at me. It’s like he’s trying to annoy me. Unfortunately, I’m not psychic enough to see into his head, but if he isn’t trying to annoy or offend me, then this guy’s no “friend.” 

One way you can tell fewer people are having kids these days is the lack of screaming brats in restaurants and fast food joints. It used to be that just about every time we’d go to one, some kid would be screaming its head off, its mother not giving a shit, as usual. Today we can eat in peace most of the time, most places we go. 

Got a new wind chime, wind twister, and wind spinner at Rite Aid the other day. The chime is the biggest one I’ve ever had. Its longest chime is at least two feet. The twister is another one of those with crystals – two clear and one blue. The wind spinner would be nice if it had some wind to go with it, but between now and the fall there won’t be much of that. 

I can run in warmer temps when it’s dark, so I left at 73° and returned at 68° at around 11pm last night. Tonight’s my night off from that. I’ll work my arms and abs. 

I’ve been sleeping more solidly since taking the new dosage, but don’t know if there’s a connection or not. I would usually wake up several times during my sleep, even though it was usually just for a second. I crashed at 7am and when I next opened my eyes, I thought it’d be 10-something, but nope. It was 3pm and I was wide-awake. 

As expected, no weight loss. I could probably get some of it off on a 1000-calorie diet, but there’s just no way I can keep it that low every day. Better to just eat when I’m hungry and keep the fat. 

Today I’m going to begin the proofreading of my book, but don’t have any plans to have it published on Amazon due to the lack of sales not making the effort worth it. I’m lucky to have made $30 off the last two. I can make 4 times that much a month working the Turk. I write because I enjoy it. It is a very black and white field. You’re either rich and famous from it or you’re a nothing nobody. 

It just hit me that the only reason Maliheh showed up on my tracker wasn’t that she opened and read them, but just because she checked her mail. This may explain why most were usually “opened” 2-3 times and not just once. Then as new messages came in and mine would get older, she’d stop showing up on my tracker. She could’ve marked them as spam and only when she goes to check her spam box does she show up on my tracker. Or maybe she really did open and read them. She strikes me as the type, like the black bitch, to hope there’s something in it she could use against me.

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