Thursday, May 8, 2014

Went out walking for nearly an hour with a bit of running mixed in, as always. It was a brisk night out there so I wore long sleeves. Had myself a little scare when I was partway down the outer main road. Keeping to the middle of the road at night was definitely a smart thing to do. I saw something emerge from the shadows and up to the curb on the side of the road that leads down into this woodsy area where the ditch is. It stopped and stared at me and I first thought it was a possum… until I saw the white stripe on its tail sticking up. It almost looked at me as if to say, “Go ahead, bitch. I dare you to pass me.” 

But instead of turning around and running, I doubled back instead. At first I thought the thing was going to chase me, but it just casually crossed the street and disappeared around the corner. This is the most likely street to have possums and skunks lurking about too, as there is plenty of shelter and water for them in this area. 

Determined not to be afraid of a skunk, I waited a few minutes, then continued on. 

I don’t know why Andy felt he had to tell me this over the phone and not online, LOL, but he hates to discuss money online, even if it doesn’t pertain to him. So I called and he said he wasn’t trying to push me, but he had a good job idea in mind for me and what to charge. He thinks I should offer to clean people’s houses around here. Tom said it’s up to me, of course, but he doesn’t think that’s a good thing to be doing around here because it’s soliciting. Andy only considers it soliciting when you’re trying to sell a product or something like the Avon lady. But I gotta agree with Tom that it still constitutes soliciting as long as you’re trying to profit and sell something, even if it’s your services and not an actual object. 

It is a great idea and even I’ve considered it, but it’s something I should only bring up if I’m having a conversation with someone at the pool or something like that. So there are some people I could casually ask, but I’m not going to advertise anywhere. There is a monthly flier in which some people advertise their services, but these are usually known companies and not individuals. 

Still, it’s definitely something to think about when I’m chatting with people here, even though it’s easier for me to make money online cuz I can do it 24/7, even if I don’t make much while I’m at it.

Tom accidentally set the car alarm off yesterday at 5:30 in the morning before work, LOL. Hope it didn’t wake anyone up!

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