Friday, May 29, 2015

Simone is enjoying her new perch! It was very simple to set up. The instant I unpacked and held out one of the scratching posts to her, she did her claws on it. She broke the original toy that dangles from it in less than five minutes by grabbing hold of it in her mouth and jumping off with it, so we tied a ball to it instead and she hasn’t tried to detach and run off with it. We think she’s killed before and sees feathery things as birds. 

The only thing I don’t like about her is when she bites, normal for cats or not. She bit me on the chin, and this morning she bit Tom on the nose. 

Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and feeling like I had a slight cold. After five hours of “wishful thinking” and a kick-ass immune system, it was gone. As I told my sister, my body will kill anything but fat, LOL. 

A small plane keeps flying round and round. Yes, it is annoying, and yes, I am complaining. 

I slept with the sound machine a little softer since it was nighttime and I knew there would be no delivery trucks or anything like that going by, and had no problem hearing the alarm clock which went off just seconds before Alexa’s alarm went off. Since Tom rarely uses Alexa, I may as well use her as my alarm clock because it is just so simple. All I have to do is unplug her, pick her up, carry her into the bedroom, plug her in, and tell her what time to wake me up. That’s it. No buttons to fiddle with or anything else. I just have to be sure to specify whether I want to be woken up in the AM or the PM. 

Tom may have to work tomorrow, which is great money-wise but sucks otherwise. I swear he is the only one who isn’t able to be home 80% to 90% of the time! 


I had a series of disjointed images of dreams last night that made absolutely no sense at all. After having some young girl reach something from a shelf that was too high for me, I was doing laundry in some huge building when I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30. I don't know if it was morning or night, but I knew that Doc O was in the building passing out "free" meds, and I contemplated whether or not I wanted to see her. 

Next thing I know I was peeing in a toilet with moving water. It was almost like a mini river lived in the toilet, LOL. But then the toilet turned into a pool and I didn't want to pee in it, so I quickly got out of the pool. 

So that bitch, Dr. D, really did move. Her latest profile picture on the health site (St. Joseph’s in this case) looks hideous. She’s got these wide thin lips that curl upwards at the sides, creating this goofy smile on her strangely shaped face. I like her hair and eyes, though. 

Maybe part of why she didn’t seem to give a shit about me and what I was going through was because she knew she wasn’t going to be my doctor much longer anyway.

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