Monday, May 22, 2017

“Preparing” a bathroom before leaving a crowded house to go on vacation, meeting some guy on the road, sharing a bed with some woman in a hotel while a guy and a gal I knew shared another… that’s all I remember for last night’s dreams.

Wow. Just wow. So now the Muslims are bombing concerts? How many more innocent people have to die before we finally pull our heads out of the sands of “political correctness,” accept that we’ve got a group of very sick twists on our hands, and deal with them appropriately? Not sure what would be appropriate, but there are more of us than there are of them. I’m sure something can be figured out, like maybe not letting them into our countries in the first place. I think they should be confined to one area and forbidden to enter other places. Then they can all have fun killing each other.

Went for a walk at the crack of dawn and crossed paths with Bob.

Then I was talking to Tom about pulling clothes out of the dryer and Alexa thought I was asking her for the weather in Dreyer, Texas.

Yesterday I gave my Blogger blog a whole new look and received the pink rose curtains. They’re not as nice as the green willows with the gold trim, but still okay.

Watched the first two episodes of the return of Twin Peaks, and so far I’m not impressed. It’s both slow and senseless.

In last night’s dreams, someone asked me what the meanest things were that my mother and her mother ever said to me.

“Someday you’ll be too fat to fit through the doorway,” I was happily informed by my grandmother as a child. Funny too, since I’ve never weighed more than 153 pounds at my heaviest and she was well over 200 pounds. As they say… people often are what they pick on you about.

“Try it again. Maybe next time you’ll succeed,” this was the wonderful advice my mother gave me when she came to my hospital room after I tried to commit suicide in my teens. rolls eyes Yeah, I had a great support system back then. And what did my father do about his wife’s words of wisdom? Not a thing.

The best part of waking up was knowing that this is so ancient history and can never happen again.

Another thing that puts a smile on my face is knowing that if I don’t like the new shrink I’m going to see hopefully just once or twice on Thursday, I can walk out of her office anytime I want and never return. Places like Brattleboro, Valleyhead and jail have a way of making you all the more grateful for freedom of choice. It’s just taken me some time to get used to actually utilizing it after so many years of having so many of my decisions made for me.

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