Saturday, February 2, 2019

I was surprised to learn that Ray is about to turn 70. Guy looks like he’s in his mid-eighties but I guess that makes more sense as most people aren’t going to move to another state in their mid-eighties.

The rats are warming up to me a little but they still have a long way to go.

Other than that there really isn’t much to update on besides weather and dreams. It’s been pretty wet out there. I hear it raining now.

Slept better the last time around so I’m a little more awake today. Started off without the earbud and then when traffic woke me up as I knew it would a few hours later, I inserted the bud and was fine.

I dreamt of my nieces last night and I guess I was staying with Becky and Sarah in this weird apartment they had. It was a two-story place that was very narrow in that it was deeper than it was wide. The weird thing was that you could see partway into the neighbor’s place if you were in the very front of it.

One of the perks of living there was a free buffet at mealtimes. The food was plentiful and very good. Lots of good variety but most of it was fried and unhealthy stuff. I loaded up a plate and sat down to eat with them and several others in a community eating area. I said I could never live there because I would eat like a pig and gain so much weight. My nieces didn’t say anything to that but seemed annoyed, almost as if I was making personal jabs at their weight.

Then I was lying on their couch in the living room when the door opened and a young woman stood staring angrily at me. I knew right away it was Lisa.

“I’m so out of here,” she said, and then she backed out and left. I assumed that she thought I would be gone by then.

Tammy later stopped by and I told her about it and how I was ready to charge Lisa, I was so sick of her senseless grudge.

Then Sarah was singing and I told her she was pretty good and that I wasn’t surprised because I could usually tell by a person’s speaking voice whether or not they could sing, and said I doubted Becky could sing. In real life, I doubt either of them could.

There was a grocery store that was attached to the end of their building and Sarah asked me to grab her an orange yogurt while she waited outside, which I thought was disgusting.

In the last part of the dream, I was nervously climbing these rickety wooden stairs to Becky and Sarah’s attic. The stairs consisted of thin wooden slats and even though it held Sarah, who had nearly 100 pounds on me, I was worried about falling through.

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